
Showing posts with the label Transforming Power

The "right" way

Learning to choose wisely those words we embrace (take to heart) is important just based on the constant barrage of words we each hear.  Even words we may find a little difficult to embrace are often the very words we need to hear at the moment - this is especially true as it applies to the words of God's commands.  There are times when we'd rather not consider those words - seeing them as onerous and a little too "restricting".  We give what I would call "lip service" to them.  When God tells us to love unconditionally, we think this is a good idea and we even proclaim to do so, but putting this into "operation" in our lives is quite another thing.  When we begin to see God's commands as something other than "restrictions", but more like "miracle words", we might just consider them differently.  If you haven't stop to consider the miracle of obedience to what God says - then maybe it is time to do so! Every word you giv...