I didn't see that before!
The same road - the same direction - but do we see things differently along that road as we travel in the same direction? You betcha! This lesson was illustrated the other day as we were commuting home. Every other week, my BFF and I take turns driving. Some days mom is in the carpool with us as she heads off to her day club for a little socialization. When that happens, one of us sits in the back seat, allowing us to have both a higher view of the surroundings and a little less distracted view. I have observed just how many text while driving, reading emails and social media feeds, not just at the stoplight, but as they drive! My BFF observed the local nursery got a face-lift of sorts, complete with new parking lot and entrance. I mentioned to her that had been completed months ago and she looked surprised. Why? Although we had traveled the road multiple times in that same direction, that one observation had escaped her view. It is not uncommon that we travel at the same pace, in the