No one left out, none left behind
God didn’t set us up for an angry rejection but for salvation by our Master, Jesus Christ. He died for us, a death that triggered life. Whether we’re awake with the living or asleep with the dead, we’re alive with him! So speak encouraging words to one another. Build up hope so you’ll all be together in this, no one left out, no one left behind. I know you’re already doing this; just keep on doing it. (1 Thessalonians 5:11) I emphasized those words today because the idea of building one another up has come up twice in my daily devotions in the past two days. If God gives us a word over and over again, it is time to sit up straight, pay attention, and see what he wants for you to do. Speaking encouraging words may sometimes seem like it borders on what some call 'flattery'. It is like we think hearing we are valued, doing a good job, mean a lot to someone, and are appreciated is not all that true or just 'empty words'. You could be right when the words are spoken from