
Showing posts with the label Way Finding

GPS precision, or broad perspective of the paper map?

A wise person chooses the right road; a fool takes the wrong one.  You can identify fools just by the way they walk down the street!   (Ecclesiastes 10:2-3 NLT) It was Voltaire who said, " The mouth obeys poorly when the heart murmurs ." Chew on that one just a bit. What got Israel into all that trouble during those years they were wandering around in the wilderness between their deliverance from Egypt and their entrance into the Promised Land? Wasn't there a whole lot of murmuring going on? Isn't that just about the truth each time we think about how much trouble we can find ourselves in on occasion? We start to listen to the murmuring in our heart and before long we find ourselves "speaking out loud" what is in our hearts and that leads us down paths we might not want to have traveled at all! The choice of the "right road" isn't a spur of the moment kind of decision. In fact, to choose wisely, one needs to "plan" the jour