
Showing posts with the label Weathering the Storm

More than white-knuckle determination

We have all probably had enough of the pandemic of 2020 and are looking forward to a better 2021. I hate to burst anybody's bubble, but this pandemic thing is far from over. Even with the widespread vaccine administration, it will take a while for the herd immunity to actually kick in, all the while this virus is still taking a toll on those who contract it and those treat it. It seems the pandemic has been one of the central stories in our media for nearly a year now and we will likely see continued emphasis on masking, hand hygiene, and staying home when ill - not to mention the forgoing of large gatherings. Life isn't 'back to normal' by any means. In the midst of all this, is it possible for us to stop long enough to celebrate some of the goodness of God? I think it is, but we definitely have to push out all the negative long enough to center our thoughts once again on him and his love for us. When we are able to do this, God never ceases to surprise us with his lov...