
Showing posts with the label Wonder

Just pondering

How amazing are the deeds of the Lord! All who delight in him should ponder them. Everything he does reveals his glory and majesty. His righteousness never fails. (Psalm 111:2-3) All who delight in him should ponder his deeds. What does it mean to ponder? To consider something deeply and thoroughly - we get the word meditation from this concept of pondering. Meditation isn't sitting cross-legged and chanting - it is taking time out to just dig a little deeper into the object of your attention. If God is the object right now - you are pondering! "A season of suffering is a small assignment when compared to the reward. Rather than begrudge your problem, explore it. Ponder it. And most of all, use it. Use it to the glory of God." (Max Lucado) We may not want to admit it, but God can and does use every 'season' of our lives - good, mediocre, or really bad! Ponder these seasons - what is he doing, how are we responding, what might he be teaching us in that moment?...

The possibility of today

Did you ever stop to think just how practical the Bible really is? It lays out sound advice on how to make financial decisions such as the borrower becoming slave to the lender, so don't be frivolous in your spending (Proverbs 22:7). We find instruction on how to have a solid family life such as how much it takes to build a household and the depth of understanding required to set them all on a firm foundation (Proverbs 24:3). We also find warnings of things we should avoid because they will be our "undoing" - things like not interfering with a good person's lives as it may end up with us falling flat on our face (Proverbs 24:15-16). Yet, there are many questions we just don't seem to find the easy or "straight" answers for in those pages. Jesus spent about three years teaching his disciples as he made his way to the cross. In that period of time, he laid out all kinds of truth for them. Some of it stumped the crowds, but the disciples usually got w...

Inspired Desire

Your decrees inspire wonder; because of that, my soul desires to keep them.  When Your words are unveiled, light shines forth; they bring understanding to the simple.  My desire for Your commands left me waiting, open-mouthed and panting.  (Psalm 119:129-131 VOICE) Left waiting, open-mouthed and panting.  That certainly conjures up an image in our minds, does it not?  Do God's decrees (his words) inspire wonder in our minds, hearts, and spirits? Or have they become routine (mundane) and a little "dry"?  It is quite common to find the things we are most familiar with becoming "mundane" or "ordinary" in our minds and hearts.  I think a good, totally sappy movie on a Saturday afternoon is a real treat because it helps me to unwind and just get some much needed distraction or rest from the normal routine of the week.  When this Saturday afternoon "flick" turns into a binge-watching fest on Netflix, I begin to find I no lon...