No more dead batteries
We sometimes forget to leave what is in the past in the past, but there are some things we might do well to remember from our past. One such thing is the work of Christ in our lives. In the past, we were spiritually dead - kind of like our lives had dead batteries. All the pieces were there to make us all we should and could be, but there wasn't a "charge" in us which could actually get us moving as we should be moving. Before Christ energized our spirits with his own, we were dead - without any spark of life. After he energized us, we were made alive - nothing stood in the way of the current of grace infusing each and every aspect of our lives with his life-giving spark. Nothing we used to do or be matters anymore because the grace of Christ became the life-giving force which now drives us. In the past you were dead because you sinned and fought against God. You followed the ways of this world and obeyed the devil. He rules the world, and his spirit has p...