Be still and know

Be still and know that I am God. (Psalm 46:10)

Events in life can creep up on us, our schedules become so filled that we don’t really know when we will have time for even one more thing, and before long, things are spinning out of control. That is when we need to breathe in these words, letting them sink deep into our spirit and refresh our soul.

“I am God” is a declaration that he is first our refuge - our place of shelter or escape when all seems to be caving in around us. As our refuge, he is our covering – guarding us against attack and penetration from forces that we would otherwise be very vulnerable to. He is our protection against danger and distress – both spiritually and emotionally. Not only is he our place of shelter, but he is our place of resort when life becomes more difficult than we imagined. He is the place we run to when we are looking for help – he is the place of all resource.

“I am God” is a declaration that he is our strength – the provider of all endurance, the one who gives us the ability to resist force. It is through God’s empowerment that we are able to experience “potency” in our walk and “intensity” in our stand. We are given a spiritual backbone to stave off the tendencies of our natural man to pull us into compromising situations.

“I am God” is a declaration that he is our conqueror – the one who is able to help us overcome each and every obstacle. He is the one what provides us with the means and power to overcome everything that stands in our way or blocks our path spiritually. He has already mastered every opposition we face – whatever is acting as an antagonist in our lives. As the one with the power, he is the possessor of all control, authority, and influence. As such, he is able to act so as produce a permanent and overcoming affect in our life.

The words “I am God” is an exhortation for us to get to know God for who and what he is. We do this by first believing in him – being fully persuaded of his ability, power and might. As we get to know him in this manner, we become fully persuaded of his willingness to do what he says he will do in our lives. God expects that we will relinquish control of our inner man – becoming dependent on him for our very existence and sustenance. In turn, he asks us to be in service to him – being of use to him, waiting in his presence for what he brings in the moment.

“Be still” carries the idea that as we get to know God in the way outlined above, we bring ourselves to a place where we are no longer in motion – constantly bouncing between this plan and the next. We settle down spiritually, emotionally and physically – allowing God to begin to show us his plans. In the silence, when we even cease to usher up our utterances and pleas, and really begin to listen with a hearing heart, he speaks. He is asking us to make the effort to free ourselves from the “turbulence” of our lives – settling down to listen, being calm in our inner man long enough to see his movements.

Stillness of our inner man involves being free from the turbulence that our past brings into our lives. He asks for us to incorporate his forgiveness and allow the guilt and shame of those past events to be removed completely from our remembrance. In so doing, we open up afresh to what he wants to speak into our present. God also expects us to become still concerning the present – that which is in progress in our lives – knowing that he is sufficient. He is all we need to meet the present demands of the situation we are in – he is more than enough to reach the end with something left over. He is our supply – satisfying our needs and keeping us each step of the way. He supports us and maintains us – giving us stability and endurance.

Be still and know that I am God – in that which is to come – in all that is going on now – in that which has happened in the past. Count on the fact that “all things” – not just some of the things – but all things work together for the good of them that love him. God does all things well.


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