Rebuilding Foundations - Part I

Understanding the purpose of foundations is essential in our Christian walk. A foundation is the basis upon which something stands or is supported – all that is built upon that foundation is defined and limited by that foundation. Foundations endow the structure of what has been created with that which will allow it to continue in its original form and purpose. In life, God has made a way for foundations to be laid that are solid, purposeful, and systematically planned for our well-being, growth and development.

This was the case with the nation of Israel. God had called a nation of believers from out of bondage and captivity. He prepared a way for them to be set-up nicely in a land flowing with all kind of blessing and provision. He had prepared a method for each of them to purposefully give him right placement in their lives through worship, feasts, festivals, and offerings. In short, he had prepared the plan for their redemption, raised up those who would be instrumental in guiding them in their daily walk, and had repeatedly driven the enemy from the land in order to settle them in their land of promise and blessing. He had laid the foundations.

In the process of normal everyday living, Israel had done what many of us do – they had become cold and callous, developing a taste and enthusiasm for the things of the land around them – looking more to the enticements of the environment they were faced with than the God that had provided that environment. They began to drift away from their first-love, developing hardened hearts of apathy toward the things of God. In turn, the enemies they became so intrigued with became that which destroyed the foundations of their lives and again returned them to captivity.

Such is the case for many of us. We are offered salvation as a free gift - provided a way of escape from the bondage of a life that is without Christ at the center. We reach out and embrace that life with enthusiastic commitment and passionate pursuit. Time passes, life happens around us, challenges rise up within our daily lives, and our passion fizzles. We begin to drift into apathy toward the things of God that protect us from our enemy:
  • Worship of God as the only true God begins to take a backseat to some other “god” of the day – work, play, relationship, money, possessions, education, status, or perhaps even religion.
  • Giving him first place in our lives becomes less important than the things of the day that offer intrigue, present life in a new way, or offer us something that tantalizes the “taste buds” of sin that clamor for satisfaction so deep within each of us.
We begin today with an examination of the value of a sure, rock-solid foundation.  Today is an opportunity to look at the foundations we are building upon in our daily walk.  Are they sure (certain, unmoveable, solid to build upon)?  Are they crumbling (worn down, battered by the cares of the world around us)?  Have we drifted from the original intention of our life in Christ (the foundation determines the structure of a building just as much as those spiritual foundations that are laid in us in Christ)?  If so, there is an opportunity to "undo" what has been done and become freshly built in Christ - but it is only possible when we begin with a look at the things we have made the foundations of our life.  Tomorrow, we will look at identifying "crumbling foundations" and how that "crumbling" occurs in our lives.  Then we will explore the possibilities of new foundations.  My hope is that you will begin this journey with me today and allow God to build upon it each day.  See you tomorrow!


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