Sound - Inside and Out

For God's Word is solid to the core; everything he makes is sound inside and out. He loves it when everything fits, when his world is in plumb-line true. Earth is drenched in God's affectionate satisfaction. (Psalm 33:4-5)

The Psalmist opens this psalm with a command to lift our voices in praise to God - to not be afraid to sing out a new song to him.  Despite the tremendous blessings we enjoy as a child of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, we sometimes find it our first response to cry out in complaint rather than praise.  This is because we human are influenced by the moment - not really allowing the Spirit of God that indwells us to be that influencing factor in our lives.
There is a hidden message in this passage that would be easy to gloss over - everything God makes is sound inside and out.  That means even you and I are "sound" inside and out.  To be sound implies that we are free from flaw, defect, or decay.  Hallelujah!  I may not always feel it, but I am a new creation in Christ Jesus and as such, I am free from any flaw, defect or decay!
Nothing God makes is without soundness.  If you are doubting that, then read on as the Psalmist declares, "Watch this: God's eye is on those who respect him, the ones who are looking for his love. He's ready to come to their rescue in bad times; in lean times he keeps body and soul together. We're depending on God; he's everything we need. What's more, our hearts brim with joy since we've taken for our own his holy name. Love us, God, with all you've got."

God's eyes are on us - observing all that comes into the craziness of our world. Nothing escapes his oversight - it is more than that God just watches what happens in our lives - he has oversight.  He stands ready to come to our rescue.  Yet, we might not be ready to be rescued.  We want to try things on our own a little, then we will reach out for his rescue when we see we cannot do it on our own.  If we can learn a lesson from David, we'd be wise to learn that stubbornness of heart keeps us from what God originally intends for us.  It creates a substitute for what God wants to create in the span of our lives.
In closing this Psalm, David cried out, "Love us, God, with all you've got."  He was depending on God to be his "constant" in uncertain times.  His relationship with God had become a "necessary" thing in his life - he could not find satisfaction in any other place or relationship.  Think about this:  What we rely on most determines the outcome of the experience.  If we start with God as our focus and keep him in our focus all along the way, we will see completed in us what God has begun at the point of our salvation - we will truly be new creatures in Christ.  In turn, we will cry out in praise to our God, lifting new songs of praise!


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