Dream and Imagine - God is waiting

20-21God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.  (Eph. 3:20-21)

As we consider this passage today, it would be appropriate to ask, "What are you imagining God will do for you today?"  So many times we face each day with all the agenda items that we have laid out for ourselves and others, all the while being pretty oblivious to what it is that God is imagining for our day.  Just as frequently, we go to God with huge desire, but somehow we think God's plan to meet that desire is to do it in a small way.  Both ways of facing life are equally riddled with issues.  When we exclude God from our plans, we open ourselves up to failure that need not be there.  When we limit God by our lack of faith, we do not fully appreciate the magnificence of his love for us.

Paul reminds us that God CAN do anything - it is not that he has limitations that we don't see answers to our prayers - it may be that WE are limiting him in one form or another.  Wildest dreams - that is faith on overdrive!  There have been times when all other reports I have received on the outside tell me something is just not possible.  When I have had the faith to take that need to God, openly admitting that I am not sure how he will do it or that I completely believe it is possible, he has been free to act FULLY on my behalf.  

God works WITHIN us to accomplish the thing we desire.  He doesn't work WITHOUT us!  First, we have to be on the same page with him.  If we are ahead or behind, it makes it difficult for him to fulfill our "wildest dreams".  If we are not willing to acknowledge him IN the midst of our need, how will we be able to acknowledge him as the one who one who is at work meeting that need?  

Paul points out so aptly that God does his work within us, but not by pushing his way into our busy lives or by demanding his way.  He moves into where he is welcomed and he is free to act beyond our limited understanding or comprehension when he is welcomed with an open heart and yielded spirit.  

Anything - that is what Paul describes as God's capabilities on your behalf.  Absolutely anything you could imagine or ever dream possible.  What are you believing God for today?  Healing of your weary emotions?  Deliverance from some lingering habit?  Restoration of a relationship?  NOTHING is impossible with God - ANYTHING is possible when he is given the opportunity to move on our behalf.  Begin to trust him with your wildest imaginations - then stand back and see how he begins to move in your life.  It will amaze you what God can do in and through a yielded life!


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