2 Humans are satisfied with whatever looks good;
   God probes for what is good. 
(Proverbs 16:2)

I find it amusing just how often we humans "settle" for the first thing that comes along - something or someone appears to be whatever we think will fulfill our immediate need or emptiness of spirit.  God's hope is that we will learn to be a little more discriminating in our choices.  His desire is that we would come to use the wisdom and direction of the Holy Spirit to move us toward what truly matters and away from what only holds value for the immediate moment.

Look closer at what our writer says:  We settle - God probes.  God searches deep into a matter, investigating all the possibilities prior to taking action.  Look at how many examples we are given in scripture of God's examining hearts, looking deep for ones who are committed to following hip.  He could "settle" for a run-of-the-mill half-hearted belief, but he probes deeper to find the commitment of heart that reveals a passion to be embraced by his love.

3 Put God in charge of your work,
   then what you've planned will take place. 

The writer goes on to remind us that God is not a forceful God when it comes to his leadership in our lives.  He asks us to put him in charge of our lives - even though he could quite easily take charge of us, manipulating us like puppets on a string.  God is looking for open access to our lives - a backstage pass, as it were.  When this type of access occurs, he is free to direct the situations and opportunities of our lives toward what will truly fulfill and truly bless.

It scares me to see how frequently we leave God out of our plans - trusting our own abilities or thinking rather than trusting in our Lord's oversight and protection.  It is a foolish and dangerous predicament to find ourselves in - we are almost assured failure when we take steps God has not directed for our lives.

In the ninth verse, the writer calls to mind that we may plan the way we want to live, but the very ability to live that life comes from one source alone - God.  Our plans, in the hands of God, can be ignited into purposeful and fulfilling work.  Apart from his Spirit's guiding force in our lives, plans fail.  

God is always giving us new ability beyond what we imagine possible.  He gives us the wherewithal to 'live out' what we imagine.  He also protects us from stepping out into things that are sure to bring us defeat.  Don't you think it is time to let God do some 'probing' in our lives, uncovering what he sees as impeding our progress?  When he does, we will be free to allow him to energize us with the plans he has for us.  


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