Lost and found

 17 The road to life is a disciplined life;
   ignore correction and you're lost for good. 
(Proverbs 10:17)

A disciplined life is one that is molded - one that receives the necessary training that corrects the course of action.  Correction can occur at two points along the journey we call life - either at the beginning of the course prior to the action being taken, or mid-way through the consequences of choosing the wrong course.

The disciplined life has accepted the fact that training is a necessary part of life. One who is willing to live a disciplined life has come to accept that it is this 'training' that both builds the mental faculties and establishes the moral character of a man.  When obedience is learned, there is order in life.  Self-control keeps one from doing or saying things that will adversely affect the course one takes.

Ignoring correction guarantees us a path of unsuccessful ventures - riddled with choices that undermine good character and eat away at solid morals.  Correction to the unwise seems like a form of unjust / unwarranted punishment.  Correction to the wise is a blessing and a help in times of struggle or danger.

The idea of correction is to 'set right' - the fool never realizes the course of action they are taking is actually not the right course in the first place!  That is why he never embraces the correction - he doesn't see the value in it.  A man or woman that is seeking to live a disciplined life will value correction for what it adds to life - not seeing it as 'taking away' from life.

It is important to see the activity of the wise and the inactivity of the fool.  The wise embraces correction - the fool chafes against it, ignores it, or simply never even hears it.  Embracing correction is a life-giving choice that establishes a right course for the wise.  

Just one thought in closing:  God's correction is always designed to make us stronger!  He never tears us down in correcting us.  Sure, he may ask us to stop some course of action, but it is with the design of building us up in moral character.  The next time we are faced with correction, consider this:  Is the course of action I am taking building me up, or tearing me down?   If the answer is the latter, it is likely that God is attempting to steer you back on course in order to establish a strong footing upon which you may build your life.


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