Come into knowledge

66 Teach me knowledge and good judgment,
   for I trust your commands.
(Psalm 119:66)

Yesterday we began to look at some of the things outlined in scripture as "invitations" to us.  Today, we will explore the invitation to "learn of God".  Jesus was calling his disciples in the early part of his earthly ministry.  John was curious about where it was that Jesus stayed.  He asked Jesus where he lived and Jesus' response was to "come and see".  This is perhaps the most rewarding invitation anyone can received - come and see.  It implies the ability to come into a fuller revelation of all that we are curious about.

In the spiritual sense, there is a great deal that causes us curiosity - figuring out how the whole trinity thing works, understanding the virgin birth, working through the idea that a loving God allows bad stuff to happen, are just a couple of examples.  Our psalmist today asks God to teach him knowledge and good judgment.  He has come to God for revelation - he wants God to disclose to him the things that he is curious about.  His request does not stop at the gaining of knowledge - he asks God for good judgment, too.  

What is the difference?  Knowledge is gained through study, seeking intently, being open to learning.  Good judgment is the wisdom to apply that knowledge that we have received.  One without the other is like only wearing one shoe!  You will stumble along with one foot well-protected from the elements while the other is exposed.

If you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God.  For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. 
(Proverbs 2:3-5)

The knowledge of God is not something for the weak-hearted.  It requires a commitment to seeking it out - but there is a guarantee that it will be found when we seek with an intensity.  With knowledge comes the accountability to use what it is that we have been given.  That scares some people - being held accountable is not something we naturally gravitate toward.  We often resist being held accountable - because it is work!

The invitation to come into knowledge is both rewarding and a little frightening.  If I can dissuade you from turning tail and bolting right now, I want to let you know that the reward is much greater than the effort to learn of God or the issue of being held accountable.  So, come into knowledge - spend time with him, getting to know him and learn of him.  He delights in having all men  come to a knowledge of the truth!  (I Timothy 2:4)


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