Invitation into sanctuary

3-5 You've always given me breathing room,
      a place to get away from it all,
   A lifetime pass to your safe-house,
      an open invitation as your guest.
   You've always taken me seriously, God,
      made me welcome among those who know and love you. 
(Psalm 61:3-5)

David had an intimate relationship with God - evident in how frankly he speaks with God and how "free" he is in the presence of God.  There is much to be said about having a deep, beyond the mundane, relationship with God.  Look at what David tells us here - God is the one who welcomes, we are the ones who come into that place invited.

David acknowledges that God gives him space - breathing room - a place of sanctuary.  Have you ever had a really good friend that you can just be yourself around?  You can kick off your shoes, let down your guard, and be your real self - no pretense, no masks, just you.  God desires that kind of relationship with us - extending to us the invitation to come into his presence and "chill" - find rest for our souls.

We are reminded that it is a lifetime pass - not a one-time experience, but a cultivated enjoyment of the presence of God.  We have an open invitation - come freely into his presence, drink deeply of his graces, and know that you are there as an invited member of his household.  

David's most consistent theme in his writings is that God knew him and he knew God.  He even acknowledges that he is aware of this because God "takes him seriously" - nothing he shares with God escapes God's attention or care.  Why?  Because he knew God in a personal way and he loved God with all his heart was capable of.  

Jesus came to this earth so many years ago, taking on the form of human nature, to connect with us.  He laid aside his divinity to take on human form - connecting with the struggles we encounter, understanding the limitations of our mortal bodies, and involving himself in the tasks of ordinary life.  That is why scripture reminds us that we have a Savior that is not unaware of our struggles, knows what temptations await us at every turn.  

This is the season we celebrate his birth.  A few weeks ago, our pastor brought forth the idea that sinners (like you and me) are the POINT of the birth of our Savior in human form.  They are not just PART of it, they are the POINT of it. God takes each of us quite seriously - we are the objects of his affection and the consistent POINT of his attention.  Isn't it time that we recognized the tug of Lord on the strings of our heart?  Isn't it time that we came into his presence, thoroughly enjoying the sanctuary of his graces?  

We are the POINT of this season - sinners in need of a Savior.  What will you do with your Savior this Christmas?


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