Groping for light

4 Show me how you work, God; school me in your ways.
 5 Take me by the hand; lead me down the path of truth. 
(Psalm 25:4-5)

There is nothing that God delights in more than hearing his child ask to be schooled in HIS ways.  When I was in school, one of the things my teachers soon learned about me was that I was a visual learner - if I could see it, I grasped the truth much quicker than if it was something more ethereal.  I am a "show me" kind of person.  When I was a kid, I took things apart - just to see how they were made.  I would dissect a flower to see the various "pieces" - learning that stem, petal, and leaf all had their own function.

God NEVER turns away a person who comes to him with a "show me" or "school me" desire.  In fact, he uses that for his glory.  There are two different things that David is asking God here.  One is to be shown how God works - the other is to understand God's ways (his plans).  When we understand God's plans, it may be easier to see how he works.  

When I took apart the flower, it was not because I wanted to destroy the flower.  In fact, I wanted to understand about what gave life to that flower - how did it gain the nutrients it needed to grow.  When we come to God with a heart open to understand what he plans for his children, we are also asking him to show us how it is that we will "grow into" those plans.  

God's "ways" are those things that add discipline and order to our life - they create a framework for how we are to live, act, and react.  His "work" is what gives our lives blessing and satisfaction.  His ways add structure, while his work in our life brings revelation and reward.  

Look at how David asks God to "show" him and "school" him - it by being "hand-led" down the path with God.  I have found myself coming into a dark house at night, groping around in the darkness for a light switch, avoiding the sharp edges of end tables.  It is a little scary to "be in the dark" groping for the light.  God knows that about our spiritual, emotional, and thought life, as well.  We have times when we are "groping around in the dark" hoping to find some "light" to give us direction.  His delight is in being that light for us!

When I am "hand-led" through dark places, I don't fear the "sharp edges"!  I know that someone who already knows the way has me in their hand.  


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