One Thing - The Real Thing
Sometimes we have a tendency to want to just give up. We start out well, but then we "peter out" somewhere down the road. There are times in life when we need a "pace setter" to keep us on track. In moments of frustration, disillusionment, or anxiety, we need the steadiness and vision of one who sees more of the picture than we do. It is refreshing to know we have such a "pace setter" in our lives - God himself!
7-9Just think—you don't need a thing, you've got it all! All God's gifts are right in front of you as you wait expectantly for our Master Jesus to arrive on the scene for the Finale. And not only that, but God himself is right alongside to keep you steady and on track until things are all wrapped up by Jesus. God, who got you started in this spiritual adventure, shares with us the life of his Son and our Master Jesus. He will never give up on you. Never forget that.
(I Corinthians 1:7-9 The Message)
Years ago, the Coca-Cola bottling company came out with a slogan - "Coke, the real thing". In the years since, Coke has come to be known as the "real thing" whenever one considers a "cola" beverage. The 1991 release of the movie "City Slickers" had a a character known as Curly Washburn who directed the city dudes to look for the "one thing" in life with the greatest importance. By the end of the movie, Billy Crystal had decided his family was the "one thing".
We all have the desire to find the "one thing" in life which lends credibility to our life - giving us the sense of life being worth the living. Paul refers us to remember we have everything we need to live life - given to us freely in the sacrificial death of Christ. We have the "real thing"! He also reminds us we have "one thing" in life which gives us purpose - being on mission with Jesus!
Look at these verses again - there are some pretty rich nougats of truth!
- We don't need A THING! We already possess all we need! Why? Simply put, we have everything in front of us (not behind us). We have infinitely more at our disposal than most of us ever utilize! Power, peace, fullness of joy, freedom from despair, awesome authority, just to name a few.
- We are not traveling this journey alone! God himself is right alongside! His purpose in walking "through" this life with us - to keep us steady and on track with the mission he has called us to! He is a pace-setter! He keeps us focused on the journey, even when we would want to be overwhelmed by the circumstances of life!
- We did not start this journey ourselves - God started us out on this journey. It is an adventure. In most cases, we think of an adventure as risky business. With God along on the journey, the risk is his, not ours!
- We live a "shared" life - Jesus lives in us, we live in him. Therefore, the journey is never our own - we are never on our own in it.
- We can stand assured we will make it - because we serve a God who will never give up on us! If he won't give up on us, why would we doubt the completion of what he has begun within?
Have you found your "one thing" - the "real thing" in life? If not, HE stands at the ready to enter into your life, changing it forever by his power, love, and grace! Open up to Jesus and get on mission with him!
7-9Just think—you don't need a thing, you've got it all! All God's gifts are right in front of you as you wait expectantly for our Master Jesus to arrive on the scene for the Finale. And not only that, but God himself is right alongside to keep you steady and on track until things are all wrapped up by Jesus. God, who got you started in this spiritual adventure, shares with us the life of his Son and our Master Jesus. He will never give up on you. Never forget that.
(I Corinthians 1:7-9 The Message)
Years ago, the Coca-Cola bottling company came out with a slogan - "Coke, the real thing". In the years since, Coke has come to be known as the "real thing" whenever one considers a "cola" beverage. The 1991 release of the movie "City Slickers" had a a character known as Curly Washburn who directed the city dudes to look for the "one thing" in life with the greatest importance. By the end of the movie, Billy Crystal had decided his family was the "one thing".
We all have the desire to find the "one thing" in life which lends credibility to our life - giving us the sense of life being worth the living. Paul refers us to remember we have everything we need to live life - given to us freely in the sacrificial death of Christ. We have the "real thing"! He also reminds us we have "one thing" in life which gives us purpose - being on mission with Jesus!
Look at these verses again - there are some pretty rich nougats of truth!
- We don't need A THING! We already possess all we need! Why? Simply put, we have everything in front of us (not behind us). We have infinitely more at our disposal than most of us ever utilize! Power, peace, fullness of joy, freedom from despair, awesome authority, just to name a few.
- We are not traveling this journey alone! God himself is right alongside! His purpose in walking "through" this life with us - to keep us steady and on track with the mission he has called us to! He is a pace-setter! He keeps us focused on the journey, even when we would want to be overwhelmed by the circumstances of life!
- We did not start this journey ourselves - God started us out on this journey. It is an adventure. In most cases, we think of an adventure as risky business. With God along on the journey, the risk is his, not ours!
- We live a "shared" life - Jesus lives in us, we live in him. Therefore, the journey is never our own - we are never on our own in it.
- We can stand assured we will make it - because we serve a God who will never give up on us! If he won't give up on us, why would we doubt the completion of what he has begun within?
Have you found your "one thing" - the "real thing" in life? If not, HE stands at the ready to enter into your life, changing it forever by his power, love, and grace! Open up to Jesus and get on mission with him!
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