Stand up for justice
Injustice - any form on inequity which violates the rights of others. We observe much injustice in this world, but probably don't do much with the injustices we observe. The silence we portray against injustice isn't an "outward" manifestation of us "going along with it", but it does portray a heart either unmoved by injustice, or too afraid to do anything about it. Sometimes it only takes someone speaking out - at others it may take some form of action or investment of our time, energies, and talents to address it. When another suffers injury or wrong, our reaction and action toward that injustice reveals a lot about our heart.
It’s wrong, very wrong, to go along with injustice. Whoever whitewashes the wicked gets a black mark in the history books, but whoever exposes the wicked will be thanked and rewarded. (Proverbs 24:23-25 MSG)
Wicked - morally bad in practice and principle; distressingly severe; unjustified. A wicked individual is considered to be "ill-natured" - in other words, they have a pretty foul disposition and they seek to make life miserable for others. God's instruction - avoid these individuals? Nope, it is to expose them. We take the road of comfort when we simply avoid their unpleasantness, but we take the road of obedience when we are willing to confront and expose their wicked, morally bankrupt plans.
In the criminal justice system, when an innocent person is convicted of a crime they did not commit, we say an "injustice" was done. It is easy to get outraged when something is high profile such as a court case, but what about the "small" injustices which occur all around us everyday? Are we moved by those? If not, it may be time to ask God to soften our hearts and make us more sensitive to the needs of those around us.
When the innocent are convicted wrongly, one stepping forward to serve as a witness on behalf of the innocent can make all the difference. It used to be the norm for people to stop at the scene of an accident they had witnessed on the roadways, but it isn't anymore. People don't want to get involved - and besides, most states go by the "no fault" rule - anyone could have been at fault, but they will pay the claim regardless of who is at fault.
I sometimes think we might just treat God as operating in a "no fault" kind of manner toward the injustices in this world. We somehow think that no matter who is at fault, he will just take care of it. There are times when he fully expects us to step forward as his ambassadors on this earth to expose the injustice and to stand for what is right, credible, and lasting. When we fail to do so, we are not acting as his "witnesses" here on this earth!
Any judgment "passed" with any form of partiality is "unfair" or "unjust". When we "like" someone, we might take issue with the partiality shown toward them. When we harbor ill-feelings toward someone, the "unfair" thing done may actually give us a moment of pleasure (be truthful here). Yet, if we read this passage again, to revel or find any pleasure in the injustice done - whether it is to our friend or foe - is wrong. God's after a purity of heart which will look beyond our "feelings" and stand for what is right - regardless of "who" needs our support. Just sayin!
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