As the dawn's light trickles in...

We all have those moments where we wonder if God has anything "special" for us - as though just being the object of his heart's desire weren't enough!  Those moments usually come when we have seen someone else around us really take a huge step, get awesomely blessed beyond measure, or realize some fantastic outcome as a result of their course of action.  We just cannot help but think, "What about me, God?"  It is just "natural" for us to kind of zero in on the fact we aren't doing or feeling "something special" at that moment, so we get to thinking God might have forgotten us, moved on without us, or just plain doesn't have much in store for us.  There is nothing further from the truth!  God cannot forget us - we are the apple of his eye.  He doesn't move on without us - although he might move a little to tug at our heart to get moving in the direction he is heading, but he doesn't abandon us.  He doesn't have the same things in store for us as that one we are comparing ourselves to right now - but that doesn't mean he doesn't have something designed for each of us that is "specific" to our needs.

Your thoughts and plans are treasures to me, O God! I cherish each and every one of them!  How grand in scope! How many in number!  If I could count each one of them, they would be more than all the grains of sand on earth. Their number is inconceivable!  Even when I wake up, I am still near to You.  (Psalm 139:17-18 VOICE)

God's thoughts and plans are revealed in the words of scripture - placed specifically there to meet whatever need we may have today.  If you don't believe that, then just remember the last time you read a passage and it meant hardly nothing to you - like words on a page you could just read on through, but nothing really jumped off the page at you.  Then you are dealing with something in particular and that exact same passage is full of meaning - exactly what you needed, when you needed it!  Those are his thoughts, his plans, and his purpose revealed - when you need it, exactly as you need it, designed to accomplish specifically what you need at the moment.  Indeed, they are like the grains of sand which number the ocean shores - too great for us to count, beyond our fathoming, and constantly renewed with each passing wave!

Even the process of awakening in the morning is a process of discovery - for we recognize God has not left us, nor has he abandoned his purposes for us.  Each new day is a time of renewal - this is probably the greatest and most profound of all mysteries.  Think about it.  The air you breath each moment of each day is not the same air you took in with the last breath - if it were, it could not sustain your life for it would be depleted of the oxygen you need.  The movement of air and water current is even beyond our control - we can no more still the seas than we can create the human brain!  The shining of the sun, even through the darkest of clouds, is simply not in our control - yet it comes and goes each and every day, with consistency and purpose.  God is faithful in ways we cannot fathom - they are beyond our intellect, but appreciated by our heart and mind!

In the night hours, he doesn't draw away, but he might draw us closer to him by creating a sense of "distance" between us. Why does he doe this?  I think it might be to help us not get settled into a rut in our faith - but to continue to seek him a little closer, discovering the newness of his grace each new day.  In the stillness of the night, he gave us rest.  In the newness of dawn's light, he gives us the myriad of discoveries he has prepared for us while we slumbered.  Even as we slumbered, our bodies were being renewed.  Our minds were being cleared of all the turbulence of the day before and readied for the challenges we shall face today.  When we walk with God, each moment is a time of "coming into" what he has prepared for us well in advance of when we will "come into" whatever it is.  His mercies are new every day.  We may think his love actually grows toward us - his love really doesn't increase for us - because he loves us beyond measure already.  What changes is our appreciation of his love!  Just sayin!


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