Where he is - there is light
God is pure light, undimmed by darkness of any kind. If we say we have an intimate connection with the Father but we continue stumbling around in darkness, then we are lying because we do not live according to truth. If we walk step by step in the light, where the Father is, then we are ultimately connected to each other through the sacrifice of Jesus His Son. His blood purifies us from all our sins. (I John 1:5-7 VOICE)
The light of God cannot be dimmed by all the darkness around us, or even that which is within us! This is indeed good news in view of all the darkness we seeing perpetuated in our society today. Darkness cannot dwell where perfect light shines - and God's light is perfect - undimmed by ANY kind of darkness. It is undimmed in our hearts where he has taken up residence and is renewing our minds, spirits, and souls each day. it is undimmed in the midst of evil around us, despite the appearance otherwise. God's light cannot and will not be dimmed. In fact, in the midst of the darkest places, his light seems even brighter - because no one appreciates the light until they have seen the darkness around them!
Intimate connection is what makes his light shine brightly in our hearts. If you have ever gone to turn on a light in your house, only to find it does not come on right away, you know you may just have to tighten the light bulb a little and the light begins to shine brightly. What has happened is that the connection has not become "solid" - there isn't a constant "contact" being made, so the bulb will not illuminate. The same is true in our lives - if there is no constant contact - the connection being broken - we will not illuminate the goodness and perfect beauty of God's love and grace as we should. Once that connection becomes solid and constant again, the light is free to invade all the dark spaces.
Just as in nature around us, there is often a gradual "dawning" of light in our hearts which brings brighter and brighter illumination. It brings with it an intensifying heat which becomes stronger as the degree of light increases. It is unlikely we all walk out of darkness into perfect light and then allow that light to keep illuminating our lives at that same intensity forever and ever. It isn't that the light has changed or is any "less bright". We have just changed how well we are making the connection to allow that light to shine through the darkness within.
Light is best appreciated when we are "taking steps" forward. With mom's failing vision one of the things she comments most about is the degree of darkness she sees many times. This makes it very hard for her to take "confident" steps forward. In fact, she puts her arms out, feeling for objects in her path. Why? She isn't assured she isn't moving into something which will cause her harm, such as a piece of furniture she may stumble over. The light she is able to "see" is minimal - it is affected by the connection which has been interrupted in various parts of her retina. It isn't going to ever reconnect, so she has had to learn to deal with "taking steps" with the minimal light she is able to see.
The good news is that none of us has to walk in "minimal light" - God's light is perfect and it is there whenever we make the connection. We may disconnect for a while, bringing dimmed light or even the lack of light for a period of time, but whenever we make that connection solid again, the light is as bright as it can be in our lives. We don't know what is just around the corner, lurking in the darkness where light hasn't been "invited in" yet, but we know this - as long as we are taking the light with us in each step forward we make, light will always be there! We most appreciate light when we need to move, especially into unfamiliar territory in our lives.
The connection which brings light begins in our hearts first - by us inviting that light into our hearts. Then that same light can begin to illuminate the darkness in the heart of another - until they can make that connection themselves. We aren't responsible to "turn on" the light, but we can show them how to make the connection! Just sayin!
The light of God cannot be dimmed by all the darkness around us, or even that which is within us! This is indeed good news in view of all the darkness we seeing perpetuated in our society today. Darkness cannot dwell where perfect light shines - and God's light is perfect - undimmed by ANY kind of darkness. It is undimmed in our hearts where he has taken up residence and is renewing our minds, spirits, and souls each day. it is undimmed in the midst of evil around us, despite the appearance otherwise. God's light cannot and will not be dimmed. In fact, in the midst of the darkest places, his light seems even brighter - because no one appreciates the light until they have seen the darkness around them!
Intimate connection is what makes his light shine brightly in our hearts. If you have ever gone to turn on a light in your house, only to find it does not come on right away, you know you may just have to tighten the light bulb a little and the light begins to shine brightly. What has happened is that the connection has not become "solid" - there isn't a constant "contact" being made, so the bulb will not illuminate. The same is true in our lives - if there is no constant contact - the connection being broken - we will not illuminate the goodness and perfect beauty of God's love and grace as we should. Once that connection becomes solid and constant again, the light is free to invade all the dark spaces.
Just as in nature around us, there is often a gradual "dawning" of light in our hearts which brings brighter and brighter illumination. It brings with it an intensifying heat which becomes stronger as the degree of light increases. It is unlikely we all walk out of darkness into perfect light and then allow that light to keep illuminating our lives at that same intensity forever and ever. It isn't that the light has changed or is any "less bright". We have just changed how well we are making the connection to allow that light to shine through the darkness within.
Light is best appreciated when we are "taking steps" forward. With mom's failing vision one of the things she comments most about is the degree of darkness she sees many times. This makes it very hard for her to take "confident" steps forward. In fact, she puts her arms out, feeling for objects in her path. Why? She isn't assured she isn't moving into something which will cause her harm, such as a piece of furniture she may stumble over. The light she is able to "see" is minimal - it is affected by the connection which has been interrupted in various parts of her retina. It isn't going to ever reconnect, so she has had to learn to deal with "taking steps" with the minimal light she is able to see.
The good news is that none of us has to walk in "minimal light" - God's light is perfect and it is there whenever we make the connection. We may disconnect for a while, bringing dimmed light or even the lack of light for a period of time, but whenever we make that connection solid again, the light is as bright as it can be in our lives. We don't know what is just around the corner, lurking in the darkness where light hasn't been "invited in" yet, but we know this - as long as we are taking the light with us in each step forward we make, light will always be there! We most appreciate light when we need to move, especially into unfamiliar territory in our lives.
The connection which brings light begins in our hearts first - by us inviting that light into our hearts. Then that same light can begin to illuminate the darkness in the heart of another - until they can make that connection themselves. We aren't responsible to "turn on" the light, but we can show them how to make the connection! Just sayin!
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