Can't get no satisfaction...

If you are thirsty, come here; come, there’s water for all.  Whoever is poor and penniless can still come and buy the food I sellThere’s no cost—here, have some food, hearty and delicious, and beverages, pure and good.  I don’t understand why you spend your money for things that don’t nourish or work so hard for what leaves you empty.  Attend to Me and eat what is good; enjoy the richest, most delectable of things.  (Isaiah 55:1-2 VOICE)

It is a good question - why do we seek things with a huge price tag - things which promise to satisfy our "every need" - but leave us feeling totally dissatisfied and without any real sense of fulfillment? I saw a post this last week on my media feed that said something along the line of obedience and your faith being the only real two things you need to enjoy real and lasting rest in your life. I think that is amazingly true! When I am obedient, I know I rest a whole lot easier than if I am struggling with bad decisions, not so well-thought-out actions, and words that created havoc in relationships! If I lean into Jesus just a little bit closer, I find the stuff that was about to wash me away in a wave of turmoil and chaos just can't because I am so near what anchors me I stand steady!  Some of us need more obedience and leaning - not more of this or that which only promises some semblance of "fulfillment".

Probably one of the most awesome parts of this passage is the part of getting exactly what we need in order to experience total fulfillment and it doesn't even cost us a penny!  Even the poor and penniless can partake of what Christ offers! I don't know if you realize it or not, but that means there is nothing we need to do in order to experience what Christ has to offer to us - nothing. That means we can come in whatever miserable condition we are in and just lean into him. It means we lay the stuff we have been using to simulate some form of satisfaction in our lives at his feet and just enjoy the comfort and refreshing of being in his arms.  Attend to him and eat what is good - thirst isn't satisfied because we think about getting up to get the bottle of water.  It is satisfied because we actually uncap the bottle and drink deeply of the contents within!

Something we might just want to think about if we are without rest, seeking some form of "satisfaction" in life, and finding ourselves reciting the words of an old song of days gone by - - - "Can't get no satisfaction". The song starts out with the main reason for "no satisfaction".  Do you remember them?  "I can't get no satisfaction. I can't get no satisfaction. 'Cause I try and I try and I try..." Yup, as long as we just "try and try and try" we aren't resting. We are spinning! The problem with rest isn't that we don't "try" to rest - it is that we are "trying" to find, get to, ferret out, mimic, mime, or understand "rest". It isn't a thing - it is a person! We are seeking something to quench our deep thirst of soul, spirit, and emotion - it isn't a thing, it is a person.  We are yearning to buy, acquire, barter for, or trade up to get something which gives peace - it isn't bought, it is received! 

Can't get no satisfaction?  Not able to rest?  Needing something you can't quite put your finger on?  Maybe what you need isn't a thing - it is Jesus! Just sayin!


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