Don't dam it up!

Now that you have welcomed the Anointed One, Jesus the Lord, into your lives, continue to journey with Him and allow Him to shape your lives. Let your roots grow down deeply in Him, and let Him build you up on a firm foundation. Be strong in the faith, just as you were taught, and always spill over with thankfulness. (Colossians 2:6-7 VOICE)
I have been across dams which span a phenomenal distance - truly architectural engineering artwork indeed. I have also walked atop smaller, more "humanly made" dams which sort of "back water up" so it doesn't escape too quickly from a particular area and serve as small "bridges" between one side of the river and the other. The differences between the two are monumental (no pun intended). The ones made by stacking rocks one upon another in order to slow the flow of water serve a purpose, but they pale in comparison to those erected hundreds of feet into the air, spanning across huge divides, and holding back millions upon millions of water. Another very interesting thing about these gigantic architectural marvels is the fact they each contain something referred to as a spillway. 
The purpose of the spillway is to let out some of the water, in controlled release, so that water from the upstream side of the dam can make it to the downstream side of the dam. The spillway is used when "capacity" has been met or there is a need to release some of what the dam has contained so it meets the needs of those who are downstream to the collected water.  It is there because there is meant to be a release from the reservoir containment accomplished by the dam which has been constructed. Did you pick up on the fact that we are to "spill over" with thankfulness? This "spillage" comes forth from a well-planned, well-constructed foundation upon which a reservoir of grace, love, and peace has been constructed. Out of this reservoir, there is to come a "spillage" - thankfulness evident in our actions, words, and even our thoughts.
So often we have opportunity to show just how thankful we are for someone, some action they have performed, or just for their continual support in our lives. We might not always speak the words of thankfulness, but our actions should always reveal the evidence of what is contained within the reservoir of our hearts. Where grace abounds, grace should spill forth. Where love fills us up, love should spill out in ways which touch the lives of those around us. Where peace creates a balance which fosters a tremendous amount of life within, peace should spill over into every relationship we are blessed with in this lifetime. We are to be reservoirs of his blessing - first by thanking him for each of these blessings - then by allowing those blessings to flow forth into the lives of those around us. Hope you have a wonderful day today just "spilling forth"!  Just sayin!


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