Another season of waiting - ugh!

Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will not be shaken. My victory and honor come from God alone. He is my refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach me. (Psalm 62:5-7 NLT)

Have you ever had to wait for something or someone, but wherever you were waiting you had to be very, very quiet? I have agreed to meet someone in a particular location, such as a section of the library for a study group, and in that time of waiting, I have had to be very, very quiet. Is it a comfortable thing to allow silence to be the pervasive thing? Not really. Most of us are not created well for silence - we kind of thrive on movement and input of some type - then we give movement and output of some sort in turn. When God asks us to just be silent and wait, how comfortable are we with doing just as he asks? Most of us interpret "no movement" on our part, and perhaps "no response" on our part, as us just not "doing anything" to help ourselves out of whatever it is we are "waiting" to receive or know. Maybe that is where we go wrong - thinking we have to make wrongs right, or get things done ourselves!

Don't miss what our writer says - waiting "quietly before God" isn't a place or posture of inactivity. In waiting, we hope. Hope is action - it is us placing our faith (trust) in another - God. Anticipation is built in the wait - not because we get everything instantly! Remember that toy many of us had as kids - the jack-in-the box with the crank on the side of it that when turned played that sing-son tune that kept us waiting and wondering when we'd see that colorful clown pop from within the box? Waiting is anticipation - we build our trust in the waiting. We didn't yank the lid off the box in order to see the little clown inside - we did what we were supposed to do - we turned the crank over and over again until suddenly and almost unexpectedly he popped from his place of hiding within the box! While God may not ask us to "turn the crank over and over again", he may remind us to just sit in silent anticipation of what he is about to do on our behalf. 

When we hope, we place our trust in something (or someone) outside of ourselves. I think this may be the purpose of waiting as God designed it. For in the wait, he gets us still enough to pour great things into us. In turn, we begin to shift our focus from what we can do to "fix our fix" toward how he will "suddenly and without much notice" be there to do it much better than we ever could have! All other "trust" is not based upon what our writer refers to as a rock solid foundation. To trust might just require us to get quiet enough to evaluate where it is we have been anticipating our answer to come from - us, another, or God himself. Perhaps the moment we shift our anticipation to a more "rock solid foundation" we begin to feel a shifting of our reliance upon self or others to be our "fix". Maybe, just maybe, this is what God has designed this season of waiting for in our lives. Just sayin!


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