Confusing Hard Annoying Oppressive Stuff = CHAOS

But as for me, I will sing about your power. Each morning I will sing with joy about your unfailing love. For you have been my refuge, a place of safety when I am in distress.(Psalm 59:16 NLT)
CHAOS: Confusing Hard Annoying Oppressive Stuff
Anyone have some of that going on in their lives today? You don't really know where it all is coming from - nor can you clearly see the purpose in it all. It is just "there" without warning - in your face - demanding to be dealt with. You might even be at the end of your rope and not really that enthused about dealing with even one more tiny annoying thing. You might even have been asking what "more" God could want or expect of you - because you don't think this "stuff" is "deserved", "necessary any longer", or "accomplishing" anything right now. The simple truth is that when CHAOS abounds - God's grace abounds in just the right proportion to "tip the scale" to the side of good!
Sometimes all we can do it "make it through" another day. We might even feel like making it through is going to require the remainder of resources we have available - either emotionally, physically, or spiritually. You may be right! The thing we don't realize is that God isn't after our resources as the answer to the issues at hand - he is after our trust. Where is it we will place our trust? Will it be in what we can "figure out" or "accomplish" with the minimal resources we have at our disposal? Or will it be in the limitless resources available when his grace is displayed in and through our lives?
Think about that one for just a moment. If you have just ten dollars left in the bank, would you pass up someone filling up your tank with gas who is trying to bless your life? If you had just two pieces of bread and a little peanut butter in the bottom of the jar, would you refuse prime rib, baked potato, and a salad? Why is it that we refuse to let go of what we see as our resources in order to embrace the limitless resources God provides? It may be we are so focused on the CHAOS that we cannot see his grace just behind us waiting to break through!
God isn't as concerned with whether we can stand up under the pressure of the stuff we are facing right now. He is concerned with where it is we are facing! His ultimate hope is that we will turn toward him - face him squarely - and keep our focus on him - not the CHAOS. It often doesn't take much to bring peace where there is confusion - it just depends on what it is we are beholding at the time. Just sayin!


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