Delivering on the play

We should help others do what is right and build them up in the Lord. 
I have to ask - when was the last time you actually can say you helped someone else do what was right, not just what was convenient or easiest? Sometimes it is the hardest thing to do to actually help someone do what is right - because it requires so much more than you might really know at the outset. There are times when doing the right thing is easy - but most of the time it requires a little more thought, effort, and even elbow-grease!
Some will think this means we just encourage one another to do what is right - like a cheerleader on the sidelines rooting for their team. If we are truthful, the game isn't won because of the one cheering on the sideline, although it may bolster the waning enthusiasm of those on the field. The game isn't even won because of the excellence of the coach on the sidelines, although his expertise may help to navigate a great strategy to further the progress of the players on the field.
The game is won by those "IN" the game! It can also be lost by those same individuals. The outcome might be changed a little by the excellent coach or the enthusiastic cheerleaders. It may even be the fans in the stands, hooping and hollering, that think they helped win the game. The ones on the field, in the game, those are the ones who know the specific and sometimes extreme effort it took to move the ball, or deliver on the play!
Looking at our passage again, we see a twofold instruction: Build up (using words of encouragement) and help (getting your hands dirty). It isn't as though my part of the job is to just give lip-service to this thing you are going through - it is that I am to give knee-service, hand-service, back-service, or whatever-is-needed service to help you actually walk this thing out on a daily basis! It is one thing to tell someone you will praying for them - it is another to walk with them through the journey! Just sayin!


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