Mom, Friend, and Companion

When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness. She carefully watches everything in her household and suffers nothing from laziness. 
(Proverbs 31:26-27 NLT)

Today another family sees the end of an era of the watchful guidance and oversight by a wonderful mother, tremendous friend, and loving lady. My sister-in-law has lost her long and arduous battle with breast cancer. I don't often write tributes to individuals, but feel compelled to do so this morning. She was a great gal and leaves a huge hole in her family with her passing. She was always one to put her kids before her own self - one who loved well and was loved so very much in return. She didn't seek the lime-light, nor did she stand out for what the world would see as some "great accomplishment", but her children will stand for years to come recounting her love, generosity, guidance, and support - perhaps the greatest accomplishment one could ever strive for anyway!

She was the "careful watcher" over her household, noticing the small things that mattered in life and supporting every dream of her children. She found ways to help them deal with life when they couldn't deal with it very well themselves and always found ways to show them she'd leave a door open and a light on for them when they just needed to find their way home again. She was taken way too early, but she leaves a lasting legacy in the hearts of many she has known and touched down through the years. Perhaps this is the greatest treasure one can take to their grave - knowing they have loved well and were loved well in return.

My friends, many fight valiant battles today against diseases not fully understood and endure many hardships associated with that long battle. It is my hope each will have been surrounded by such a loving family and dedicated group of friends, while being held in arms of comfort when words could not express the deep sorrow as each cascading report was received that gave less than encouraging news. It is also my hope that each of your homes are as filled with the love I have observed in the home of my dear friend and family member. There is no greater blessing than to have been loved well, for I believe it bespeaks the truth that you have loved well yourself! Just reminiscing....


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