Correct this...

“Lord God, with your great power you made the earth and the sky. There is nothing too hard for you to do." (Jeremiah 32:17 ERV)
What is your "too hard" point in life? At what "phase" in the development of events or alignment of the issues do you actually say this is just "too hard"? My grandsons have had to learn math, but not the "easy" way we might have learned growing up - for their "method" of teaching math these days is through something they refer to as the "common core". Honestly, this "newer math" is kinda hard! It almost borders on being "too hard" for this old gal to learn! Every now and again I get this pleading call from my daughter, asking me to help him over the phone with his math homework. It is one thing to see it, read through it a couple of times, and then figure out what they are trying to instruct him to do, but over the phone to just "hear it"...that just compounds the "hardness" of it! I think most of us do a combination of things to actually lay hold of our "lessons" in life - like seeing, hearing, feeling, etc. We are able to get past the "hardness" of it somehow because of the combined learning accomplished through our various senses.
At times, the events of life are just so terribly difficult for us to actually lay hold of, so we either want to just throw in the towel and say it is "too hard", or we persevere through, doing what we know how to do and hope for the best. "Hoping for the best" rarely gets us through in life, though. There are just times we need to arrive at the "right answer", not just a "close one". Whenever we simply accept things as "close enough", we might just be shutting out the potential God wants to add to the mix so that it isn't just "close", but it is "spot on" and "perfect". God isn't going to add to our muddle - he is going to help us see clearly, understand what it is we are hearing, get the most our of what we are feeling, and help us to put into words what he is doing in our lives. He is the power behind our life lessons - not just the instigator of them!
I don't have perfect vision, relying upon glasses to bring clarity, but at best, these extra lenses I rely upon give me a "close to perfect" picture. They get smudged, attract little particles of dust that distract from me seeing clearly, and occasionally even slip down my nose so that they aren't exactly in the right position to help me see clearly. I have to rely upon an optometrist to assist me in finding the right refraction of the lens - I don't have the ability to know what sphere or angle will accomplish the "correction" of what my eyes are incapable of doing on their own. Even with the "supplemental lenses", my vision might be corrected, but it isn't perfect. In life, there are things that get pretty close to "clear" for us, but at best, they are "corrected", not "perfect". Until we turn to Jesus and ask him to display his power wherever and whenever that power is most needed, we won't realize "perfection". We get "close", but it is possible God would get us even closer if we'd just get out of the way a little and let him take over! Just sayin!


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