Gonna shed a little light here

As people understand your word, it brings light to their lives. Your word makes even simple people wise. 
Okay, I am looking to get as much light into my life as possible. How about you? Want more? Then the way to get more is through the exploration of God's Word, for his Word brings light to our lives in places we didn't know darkness dwelt and in ways we didn't realize possible. Most of us don't know there are "dark" or "unexplored" places in our lives - but in truth, there are probably more than we'd like to admit. It isn't that we are "evil" or "bad to the bone" - we just need a little light to expose what we don't already see!
I can only see when I am looking forward. Sure, I have peripheral vision that picks up a little here and there on the sides, but what is right behind me, underneath me, and even over me is not always apparent because I am just not looking there. Too many times there are things in our lives that are there, but we just aren't looking at them right now. We either don't want to, or we haven't realized there is a need to explore them. These are the things the Word of God has a way of uncovering for us - even when we don't expect it.
His Word makes the simple wise. Well, who really desires to be "simple" if we could be "wise"? You don't hear too many people saying, "I wish I didn't have this wisdom in my life." There may be times when people tell us they wish they didn't know some of the stuff they know - like the bad stuff they have been exposed to that has left a mark in their lives. Or maybe it is that they "know too much" because others keep telling them stuff they have no real business knowing about others - some might call this gossip. Either way, there is stuff there we don't want and other stuff we don't even know we want because we haven't explored it yet.
We want God to open our eyes to what is hidden - so he can either polish it for his glory, or rid us of it for our peace and joy. It is a good thing to explore his Word, then to allow his Word to explore us. It is a two-way street - it must get into us if it is to affect us. Then we have to act upon it if we are to realize the full benefit of it. Just sayin!


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