The top of the heap

Someone once told me if you have to tell someone how smart you are, you probably aren't all that smart. Those who rise to positions of power, whether it be in terms of job or perhaps leadership within government, need not tell us of their intellect, but should model it in their actions. I believe it was Bruce Lee who said, "Knowledge will give you power, but character respect." Those who seek to lead don't need power as much as they need the respect of those they are leading!

A nation without wise leaders will fall. Many good advisors make a nation safe. (Proverbs 11:14 ERV)

In today's news, we will likely catch wind of one or more controversies in government stemming from policy to practice, or privilege to poverty. All of the world's eyes will be directed for just a moment or two to some sound-byte that was likely taken out of context and is then sensationalized for all to hear over and over again. Leaders today have a great responsibility - but I wonder if some of them really recognize how much they lead by their example and not by what they tout as knowledge or intellect.

Our challenge comes in doing as scripture declares - praying for our leaders and their wisdom to make the right decisions. Proverbs 8:16 reminds us it is with God's help that leaders make good decisions and govern with the wisdom they so desperately need. Isn't it our responsibility to lift them up in prayer and not to tear them down in social media? I may not agree with all the controversy raised by those in office at present, but these individuals have been selected to lead - like it or not. God turns the head of the leader wherever he wants - we have the honor and privilege of serving him first, then lifting our leaders up to him second.

If you ever aspire to a position of leadership, this may be the hardest venture of your lifetime. Being at the "top of the heap" is not always what we believed it would be while aspiring to get there! We may find there are a whole lot more eyes upon us than we ever imagined, each with an opinion all their own about how we should "lead" so they can "follow" as they like. The "top" places a person in plain view of all - making it harder to go unnoticed when you slip up, or a little more challenging when you don't have the right answer for the issue at hand. The "top" is terrifying at times and whoever is in that place needs our prayers. Just sayin!


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