Did I just say that?

When you talk, don’t say anything bad. But say the good things that people need—whatever will help them grow stronger. Then what you say will be a blessing to those who hear you. (Ephesians 4:29 ERV)
Notice our passage today doesn't say "if you talk", or "should you be so inclined as to say something". It says "when" - because we all have moments when our "talk" escapes us kind of unnoticed by our brains! We get those words out there and then think, "Did I just say that out loud?" By then, it is too late! The words that escape our brain's filter often hit a target we never intended to actually hit!
The things people need to hear versus the stuff that comes out of our mouths sometimes can be vastly different. The things we each need to hear are the things that help us grow stronger as individuals and ultimately as a community. When these are the words spoken, we become an immovable force the enemy of our souls cannot deal with!
What helps you grow? It is a fair question because I don't always know what will be the exact "fertilizer" the seed deep within you needs in order to grow. I know you need something, but often I don't know what it might be. It is a good thing I don't have to rely upon my own strength, smarts, or "spirituality" to get those words right! I can rely upon God's strength, his wisdom, and his Holy Spirit within to help me get it "right".
What words actually become a blessing in a person's life? They aren't always the "fluffy" ones, with deep spiritual context. They can be the simplest ones like "I care" or "I am here". We don't always think what it is we have to offer is "good enough" for another to feel blessed by those words, but let me assure you of one thing - those may be the very words that set someone into motion who has been stuck in a holding pattern for a very long time!
A few words, aptly spoken in the appropriate timing are like a treasure one discovers quite unexpectedly. There isn't any "science" to it, but there is Spirit behind it. We don't have to fear the Spirit within giving us words that will hurt - for his love and grace overshadows the words he gives with greater blessing than we will ever realize. We only have to fear those words that escape without going through his filters - for those are the ones with the potential to rip apart or tear down. Just sayin!


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