Discovery begins...

This is what the Scripture says: “God’s teaching is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart.” It is the teaching of faith that we tell people. If you openly say, “Jesus is Lord” and believe in your heart that God raised him from death, you will be saved. 10 Yes, we believe in Jesus deep in our hearts, and so we are made right with God. And we openly say that we believe in him, and so we are saved. (Romans 10:8-10 ERV)

In what ways are God's teachings near to each of us? First, it becomes apparent his teachings are near us whenever we hear the Word of God spoken aloud, or spend time discovering the truths within our Bibles. Next, his teachings are near us each time we observe another walking and breathing right next to us. Each of us is his creation - the work of his hand - therefore, when we live among each other, we are observing elements of who and what God is by observing each other. Lastly, all of nature displays his wonders - evidence of who he is and how he works is all around us in the displays of nature. Whether it be the tall trees or the secretly balanced boulders high atop some mountain structure, all speak of his greatness and care. Since there are so many ways of discovering truth about God, that means none of us is without some evidence of him everyday - we only need to look!

What is the purpose of having evidence of his teachings in so many places and ways? It is so that man is able to find restored relationship with God himself. The one who created it all desires nothing more than to have his creation know him and understand his heart. He displays himself in so many ways and at so many opportunities so that none of us is without excuse as it comes to knowing him. His heart is revealed in the gentle breezes, rippling brooks, and cloudless crisp skies. His caring heart is evidenced in the eaglet taking food from the parents, the school of fish jumping wildly after the bugs gathering on the surface, and the mother bear protecting her cubs from all manner of intruder. In all, we see God's heart and we hear his cries for mercy and restoration.

How is it we embrace these messages? We simply open our hearts by acknowledging that he is Lord of Lords, King of Kings, and the Creator of all things. We acknowledge "Jesus is Lord" and in so doing, we begin to understand the mysteries of his death, burial, and resurrection. We are embraced by his grace and restored to right fellowship with the Creator of all things. We are "made right" by taking the evidence of what we see and hear, what we feel and experience, and then trusting in his love and mercy to do what none of us can do ourselves - be made right in his sight. It isn't a mystery to be discovered through our own effort, but one to be experienced because he gives us so much undeniable evidence of his presence with us and his care over our lives each and every day. Just sayin!


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