Rotate and Align

There is a lovely Christian song by the group 'We Are Messengers' that absolutely catches my heart each time I hear it played on the radio. The words are from the song "Magnify", and they begin with the words: "I've been trying to make sense of the sorrow that I feel, holding onto for life to the only thing that's real. I've only scratched the surface; I've barely had a taste, but just a glimpse draws my heart to change; and one side of you lays my sin to waste. I don't need to see everything, just more of you." How many of us go through our days just trying to figure out some emotional "sense" we have been experiencing - a sorrow of some kind? I daresay it is far more than might want to admit it. The fact is evident - we all suffer some type of sorrow that kind of hangs us up a while - if only because of our own sinfulness. At those moments, we need to remember one thing - we don't need to understand it all, but we do need to realize we need more of him in our lives - for this is the antidote to any and all sorrow we might experience!

Sin once used death to rule us. But God gave us more of his grace so that grace could rule by making us right with him. And this brings us eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 5:21 TLB)

The words of the song go on and bear hearing this morning: "My sight is incomplete; and I made you look small. I've been staring at my problems for way too long. Realign where my hope is set, until you're all that's left."  All that's left is often all that is needed - when what is left is nothing but God himself. We don't need more "fixing" - we need more of him! You know the old adage about the forest and the trees, meaning we get so caught up in the details of our problems we find it impossible to see any way out. What we need most in life is this "realignment work" that brings us to the place that Christ is all that is left when everything else has finally been put behind our focal point. What we see the most is what we align with the best. Let that sink in for just a moment and then ask yourself where your focus has been lately. If it isn't on Christ, it is time for realignment!

Toward the end of the song, these words resonate the loudest to me each time I hear it: "God be greater than the worries in my life; be stronger than the weakness in my mind." Boy, isn't that the truth?!?! We have worries in our lives that seem to overpower us at times, almost making us feel like impotent and powerless people with no other hope than to go along with whatever has been happening in our lives. Most of the struggle isn't that which is right before us, but what we allow to convince us that we are incapable, or have access to less than what the trouble demands! Our focus begins to turn toward what we don't have whenever we allow our perspective to be clouded by the issue at hand. When we turn again toward Christ, we find the issue gets the right perspective - it isn't going to over-power us because we now see clearly what awesome power is within us. The mind wants to "give into" the troubles at hand, but the spirit is reminding us there is much more within us than the troubles will ever demand!

There is no other "ruler" in our lives - but we can get a little confused at times when we don't maintain the right focus. Most mechanics will remind us we need regular "realignment" of our tires because it allows for "even wear" and "steady drive-ability". The mind is no different - it needs an occasional realignment to become aware again of just how "unsteady" our walk has been without that right alignment! Just sayin!


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