What we should never fear...
God has told us his secret reason for sending Christ, a plan he decided on in mercy long ago; and this was his purpose: that when the time is ripe he will gather us all together from wherever we are—in heaven or on earth—to be with him in Christ forever. (Ephesians 1:9-10 TLB)
If you could be "in the know" about why something happened a certain way, wouldn't you want to be? To be the "inside track" isn't all that hard when it comes to understanding God's intense love for his people. His love is at the basis of all he does - especially as it comes to our redemption from sin and his provision of mercy.
The plan of mercy didn't just get "worked in" to already made plans. God knew by creating man with a free-will there would come a time he'd choose to "stretch the limits" of that will. He knew there would come the opportunity for compromise, but he also knew there would be absolutely no way anything else would fill that void in our lives he created for his Spirit to dwell. He also knew we'd need a means to bridge the gap between our need and his faithfulness.
This morning mom came to me and told me she didn't know why, but she was afraid. She felt fear for some reason. Nearing her ninety-ninth birthday, mom has her challenges, especially as it relates to just how much longer she may be with us on this earth. While she isn't too keen about living with her aches and pains, she also "fears" a little the unknown she will find in leaving this earth. I don't think that is all that unusual, for taking steps toward the end of one's life is a little frightening.
Some things we should never fear:
1) God's love - for it goes beyond our imagination and it is always reaching for our hearts.
2) God's mercy - for it covets our souls and pursues us with an intensity we cannot comprehend.
3) God's plan - for it is encompassing of the hungry, hurting, and helpless.
These we should never fear, nor doubt. His grace makes a way for all of mankind to know his great love and his love makes a way for all of us to partake in his plan. That is indeed "good news". Just sayin!
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