Climb - go ahead - climb

One that would have the fruit must climb the tree. 
(Thomas Fuller)

When was the last time you climbed a tree? It has been years since I have actually climbed a tree in a literal sense! I consider it good these days to just scale a ladder! In a spiritual sense, I am constantly being asked to climb trees and reminded of the advantage of getting that different perspective! Not to mention - access to fruit I'd otherwise never be able to reach!

Godly men are growing a tree that bears life-giving fruit, and all who win souls are wise. (Proverbs 11:30 TLB)

A tree is made up of all manner of branches - some large and quite broad spreading; others wispy-like, but capable of holding lots and lots of weight beyond their imagined capacity. We'd think nothing of taking hold of that one with the broad expanse and firmness evident just by its size, right? We'd be silly to expect that wispy one to hold our weight, but it holds something very good if we can shimmy our way out to it on the more "substantial" one - fruit!

We rely upon the sturdy things in our lives to help the fruit grow to full proportion, but also to help us realize the benefits of that fruit. We look for fruit, not on the bigger branches, but on the smaller ones all covered with leaves. Why? This is where fruit grows! It grows at the furthest points in life - as far removed from the roots as possible, but still vitally connected to the roots as the source of all it needs!

The fruit we produce isn't just going to grow because we want it to. It grows because the tree is nurtured. That means the sturdy branches are pruned so they become sturdier and the roots are constantly making contact with that which the tree needs in order to grow and produce that fruit. In Arizona, we have lots of citrus, but those trees needs lots of regular attention in order to produce the most luscious of fruit from their branches.

God isn't going to ask us to look for fruit where there is none - so don't stand under the tree and expect it to fall into your hands! If we are to have the enjoyment of fruit, we have to climb the tree - but in order to do so, the tree has to grow strong enough to not only support the weight of the fruit, but ours, as well! Just sayin!


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