I don't got this one....

And now just as you trusted Christ to save you, trust him, too, for each day’s problems; live in vital union with him. Let your roots grow down into him and draw up nourishment from him. See that you go on growing in the Lord, and become strong and vigorous in the truth you were taught. Let your lives overflow with joy and thanksgiving for all he has done. (Colossians 2:6-7 TLB)
A moment of honesty here. There are times when I trust others to do as they say, but when they take too long, or aren't doing it the way I'd like it done, I sometimes intervene! Why? I've got a little bit of a "control" issue on occasion - most of the time it is "in check", but on occasion, it creeps out! God help me that it doesn't "creep out" where it comes to him doing things in my life, though! I don't want to "intervene" where he is moving, although his timing may not be my own, nor may his ways of accomplishing things always be the way I thought it should be!
Each day's problems have God's solutions close at hand, but how many times do we lean upon our own way of solving the problem? If we were painfully honest here, we might admit it happens a little too frequently for him and just a little too often for him to let us just get away with it. God doesn't want us to just trust him for our salvation experience - for that moment in time where we recognize he paid the supreme price for our sinful nature and that we need his righteousness to stand in place of our unrighteousness. He wants us to trust him with even the stuff we label as "simple" in our lives - the stuff we seem to want to say, "I got this one, Lord" to.
Living in vital union with God requires more than a "give and take" relationship. We have to lean into him a little more than we might initially desire to and that takes a whole lot of trust. When I finally recognize just how much I wan to "do" whatever it is that other person is taking way too long to "do", I have to pull back a little. Why? Not only will they never learn to do it themselves, but they won't be able to really shine like they are supposed to shine! God wants to shine in our lives - the more we trust him even with the stuff "we've got handled" in our lives, the more he shines!
Overflowing lives don't happen by accident - they are purposefully filled and continuously renewed. This is more than being in the right place at the right time - it is a continual connection that helps the brilliance of the one we are connected intimately with to shine through in a dynamic and vibrant way. This union is living - vital, vibrant, and vigorous. Growth is inevitable where these three characteristics are present! Just sayin!


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