Bouncy, Bouncy, Bouncy
Back in the day, there was this little contraption you'd suspend from the door jam that allowed the infant to bounce happily up and down. Suspended in the enclosed seat, the infant could test out their legs a little and develop some strength in them. These simple devices were eventually replaced with walkers with four wheels, then these walk behind toys, and even more complex contraptions over the years, but the idea is all the same - to help the child develop their strength and balance. God gives us a whole lot of things in life to help us develop strength and balance, but none as lasting and true as his Word! We can hang onto his Word like nothing else - it never fails because it is backed by his oversight and careful attention to each detail contained within it!
His words have a unique way of rejuvenating each of us - not by some magical power, but because truth brings restoration, renewal, and reformation where needed. The change that occurs when we have a steady intake of his words into our minds, souls, and spirits actually is attributed to his strength and power, but it produces a strength and power within us that isn't possible without the constant ups and downs of life. The ups and downs of life are like that hanging contraption that suspended the infant - they help us develop strength - not in ourselves, but through the application of truth where it is needed.
David was often heard asking God to not let his words return void to him - reminding God that he was counting on them. He also frequently asked God to not forget what he promised - because he wasn't going to develop 'independent strength', but he was going to rely upon the strength that comes from connection with God. The truth we choose to believe is very important. Think about that infant suspended in that seat in the doorway. The child could look around for a while, just admiring the new view he had of his surroundings. That wouldn't be uncommon, but eventually he will realize that his feet move and he moves when they do! He will become curious about how this change in viewpoint is occurring - not realizing it is by his own strength made possible because of the strength the 'contraption' he is sitting in gives him!
The Word is kind of like that - we place our hope and trust in it - enjoying our new viewpoint in life. Shortly after the Word lifting us up, we realize we can develop a little strength that we didn't have before in our lives - all because God's Word is actually supporting us in such a manner as to let us build that strength. It won't be strength that makes us independent and no longer in need of his support in our lives, but a strength that helps launch us into new places we hadn't explored before. Eventually the infant is free of the contraption and is wandering all around the house. His growth is giving his new freedom. This is the same with us in Christ - the Word helps us build new strength - and in turn, we begin to enjoy new discoveries previously hidden from our view. Don't ever underestimate the potential of being 'suspended' in his strength for a while until you are strong enough to learn to walk into these new discoveries! It is part of his plan! Just sayin!
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