I'm all yours....

We can never forget the "keeping" power of God's Word. It is a stalwart in hard times. It stands the test and keeps on ticking! "If your teachings had not delighted me..." Here is the crux of the "keeping" power of God's Word - it is in the "delight" we take in it. How we treat God's Word determines how much it will impact our lives. Casually reflect upon it and it will likely only have a momentary impact. Dwell upon it, ruminate on it, and it will sink deep into the craters of your life until there is no empty space remaining.

If your revelation hadn't delighted me so, I would have given up when the hard times came. But I'll never forget the advice you gave me; you saved my life with those wise words. Save me! I'm all yours. I look high and low for your words of wisdom. The wicked lie in ambush to destroy me, but I'm only concerned with your plans for me. I see the limits to everything human, but the horizons can't contain your commands! (Psalm 119:92-96)

Does the Word of God delight us like nothing else? When we delight in something, it gives us intense joy and almost brings us to a place of satisfaction like nothing else can. For some of us, chocolate is our favorite candy. That endorphin rush that is released when we consume that milky rich sweetness just lulls us into a place of "endorphin rapture". What "rush" does God's Word give us? The intensity of our pleasure in his Word is often a direct result of the calamity of our circumstances - sometimes the worse things are for us, the more his Word satisfies!

Does God's Word come to us as the "advice" we hold onto when hard times come? We have many avenues of advice in our lives, but none should be "louder" than the Word of God. Advice is something taken that guides our actions. What has been guiding your actions lately - what advice have you been leaning into? You probably will be able to answer that by the outcome of your actions!
Is the Word of God something we interpret as "worthy" of our attention? Do we find ourselves looking both high and low for God's wisdom? Have we done our best to know God's instructions? Are we truthfully counting on God to do the rest, or are we stubbornly still trying to do it all ourselves? When we do our part - - obedient to what God reveals - - he is right alongside doing his part!

Are the plans of God our only concern? Some of us have plans of our own that we attempt to "fit" God's plans into - kind of like a patchwork quilt of sorts. We want to make God "fit" our purposes instead of the other way around. It should come as no surprise to see how many times we "plan" life only to see how miserably we fail to end as we hoped when this is the method we utilize in our planning. You'd think we'd learn our lesson the first time! Alas, many of us don't! Remember...God's words make us wise! If we want well-directed plans, perhaps we should consider God's words a little closer in our planning.

Do we know our limits? EVERYTHING has some form of limits - everything except God's Word and God himself! No words are as powerful. No words are as illuminating. No words are as convicting. When we do our best to know his Word, we are allowing him to do his best in establishing HIS limits in our lives. Oftentimes, those "limits" are really farther than we'd believe possible on our own!
Seek him and be filled with a new appreciation for the limitlessness of God's Word! Just sayin!


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