Time for a miracle or two?

My continual struggle to keep weight off is something I have had to deal with since just about every hormone producing organ in my body has been surgically removed! Now, I must eat well, exercise often, and just not be as selfish in my choices as I would like to be. If you have ever just 'craved' something, but you didn't really know what it was you were craving, we are a little similar in that regard. There are just times when something is 'desired', but I have a hard time pinpointing what it is I desire. Times come, though, when I know exactly what it is I 'crave' or 'desire' and there is no need to every leave unfulfilled. Those are the times when I desire a word from God - I just have to stop long enough to hear it!

Every word you give me is a miracle word—how could I help but obey? Break open your words, let the light shine out, let ordinary people see the meaning. Mouth open and panting, I wanted your commands more than anything. (Psalm 119:129-131)

Ever desire chocolate, but not an apple? Why do we get to that spot? There are just times when our spirit craves something from God - we want the good stuff, but we only take time to get the 'sweet' stuff the way we want it! God prefers we be "mouth open and panting" - desirous of the Word of God. Can you imagine the condition of mind, will and emotions in one with this intense of a "craving" for the good things contained in God's Word? Every word that God gives to us (each of us personally) is a miracle word. To me, this implies God speaking directly to my specific need - into the open spaces of my heart where I need his touch more than anything else. This miracle-working God we serve is never too busy, or too consumed with other people, to overlook our need for a fresh "taste" of his Word. These words, spoken/written/or understood, surpass human knowledge - because they are divine. They are not "natural", but "supernatural" in their actions.

We often use a term such as "miracle drug" or "miracle cream" to describe something which produces an effect far beyond what we could imagine or hope. God's Word, applied to our lives in much the same manner as we'd take in a "miracle drug" or apply a "miracle cream" produces something we could not hope to produce without its application. What is that? Obedience! It is in the applying of the Word that obedience is produced within our lives. No wonder God says we need to be "panting" for the words of God to be broken open afresh in our life! The longing of our heart is to be for God to bring light. This means darkness will be no more! In the darkest places of our lives (and disobedience can be a pretty dark place), God has the "miracle word" at the ready! The very thing we need to break free of our guilt, to be open to change, to allow reconciliation, is there for us in one "miracle word" from the his Word!

To pant implies waiting with such an intense longing - an eagerness of mind, will, and emotions. There is an investment on our part to get the "miracle word" God speaks! In the waiting, with intensity and focus, we are readied to receive. Just like the one with a disease curable only by the dosing of the "miracle drug", we sit in anticipation of the effect the "miracle word" will produce within! In these moments, God works great "miracles" on our behalf. In these moments, he produces desire far beyond our ability - the desire (and the ability) to live in obedience to his Word. Rhema - the Word of God spoken to an individual, made alive to the one hearing it. These are "miracle words" direct from God - not for the masses, but for the individual hearing them! I am awed by the gift of God's Word, but overcome with gratefulness at the gift of his "rhema" in my life! Miracle-working God speaking "miracle words" into my life and yours!  Pretty cool, huh? Just askin!


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