Every bit counts

We have times in life when we just feel like the harder we try, the farther behind we manage to get - like we are chasing our tail the entire way. In looking forward, we see only those things and others who are out ahead of us. It comes as no surprise when someone even begins to describe their impression of God being somewhere, anywhere, but not in the moment of their need - because their 'moment of need' is so far away from where they are right now. We had the need a whole lot earlier than 'now', but we just finally realized we actually needed him! The trial gets hard and we often think we have lost touch with the very one who has the ability to help us get through it all. Listen to these words:

Long enough, God— you've ignored me long enough. I've looked at the back of your head long enough. Long enough I've carried this ton of trouble, lived with a stomach full of pain. Long enough my arrogant enemies have looked down their noses at me. Take a good look at me, God, my God; I want to look life in the eye, so no enemy can get the best of me or laugh when I fall on my face. I've thrown myself headlong into your arms—I'm celebrating your rescue. I'm singing at the top of my lungs, I'm so full of answered prayers. (Psalm 13)

I daresay we all have probably thought or said these words or ones very similar! We have the same impressions - God is ignoring our need; he is so far out in front of us we can only see the back of his head; he is no longer aware of the enemy's attack in our lives - but is he really? Here's the hard truth for us to hear - the movement away from God's care was not on his part - it was all on us! "Long enough I've carried this ton of trouble, lived with a stomach full of pain." Yep, we hold onto what God asks for us to place in his hands, foolishly attempting to do things on our own, just plowing ahead blindly. In the end, we complain bitterly under the tremendous load we have never been asked to carry!

The way out from under the ton of trouble is most frequently in transferring the load to one who can actually carry the load with ease! In the moment of the recognition of our inadequacy to "deal with" the ton of trouble on our shoulders, God steps in as our rescuer. In the way only God can manage, the load is lifted, we no longer spin our wheels "dealing with" the very things he never intended for us to "deal with". Anytime we realize we are "dealing with" things, we might just want to take the advice we are given in this passage. Our perspective of God needs to change! When we are carrying the burdens ourselves, we see the back of his head - simply because we fall behind, we get entangled in the emotional energies of worry, and we lose sight of his carefulness over our lives. When we change our focus - looking him in the face, the nearness of his care is evidenced in the burdens being lifted - maybe slowly at first, but the lifting of those burdens gets easier and easier as the weight begins to be removed.

You may feel like the "view" you have had of God these past days, weeks, or months has been the "back of his head" kind of a view. I challenge you today to change your perspective - just as I frequently have to challenge myself! In dropping whatever burden you are under into his hands, you actually HAVE TO come face-to-face with him! The "hand-off" of the ton of trouble on your shoulders only is accomplished in the "face-to-face" exchange! Celebrate your rescue today - even if you just begin to feel that load being lifted, but know there is more to be unburdened! Enjoy your "unburdening". He delights in taking what you have been holding onto - even if you are only willing to part with just a little bit of it right now! Just sayin!


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