On the hunt...

William Gladstone reminds us, "Be happy with what you have and are, be generous with both, and you won't have to hunt for happiness." I think we spend a great deal of time 'hunting' for what will make us happy in life and totally miss the stuff right there in front of us that actually has the greatest potential to not only create a sense of happiness in life, but of reward and a sense of well-being. Hunt not for what will be the next thing to make you 'happy', but for the truth that will make your life deeper and more rewarding!

Whoever goes hunting for what is right and kind finds life itself—glorious life! (Proverbs 21:21 MSG)

Hunt for what is right and kind - hunt for Christ and the truth he brings into any life when he enters it with his power and peace. Power and peace seem like opposite words, but to be clear here, where there is great power, there is bound to come great peace. We need more of Christ displayed in our lives - it isn't that we need more of Christ. We already have all we need in him, but we don't always see his power and peace displayed in our conduct. What we need is for our conduct to be conformed to his presence!

Gladstone was the one to remind us it was the duty of government to make it difficult for us to do wrong, but easy to do right. This is the very essence of what scripture teaches us about the 'government' of Christ in our lives. Where he is allowed to rule with full authority, there is an 'ease' that comes in doing right and a sense of 'unease' that comes with doing what is wrong. God's presence actually acts as a 'governor' over our lives - helping us choose what is right and kind, so that we will always find reward and a sense of well-being in our actions.

We don't always allow God to govern our lives, though. There are times we 'unhook from' the governor, allowing free-reign of our emotions, will, and thoughts. When we aren't governed, we are living without restraint and this is a dangerous place to find ourselves. Regardless of how much we resist 'governance', we ALL need it more than we might want to acknowledge! We all need help making the right choices so that we are consistently 'on the hunt' for what is right and kind in life. Just sayin!


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