We think about things that are neither excellent, nor true. We forget to think about things that are worthy of praise, or significant to our well-being. We dwell upon stuff in our minds that tells us there is nothing within us that is any good, or worthy of much appreciation. Yes, we are flesh and bones. We don't have an infinite source of strength, right choices, and a 'we can do it' kind of confidence within us unless we have allowed Christ to take over the control of our lives. The only one who will give an infinite source of strength is him - we don't have that infinite source within us - we tire, wear down, and our flesh gets really, really weak. We need God!

You could fall flat on your face as easily as anyone else. Forget about self-confidence; it’s useless. Cultivate God-confidence. (1 Corinthians 10:12)

God is always FOR us - but we can be quite easily set AGAINST us. How do we set ourselves AGAINST ourselves? I think we think the wrong things at times - getting all down on ourselves in our thoughts. We forget what God says about us, believing what we see in the mirror, or what we see when we look at ourselves compared to others. Self-confidence isn't made up of what we can muster up in our thoughts that are 'positive' or with 'positive intent'. It is is made up of knowing who dwells within! God is always FOR us - because he is always WITHIN us - therefore, NOTHING can be AGAINST us.

God is never FAR from us - but we can get it into our heads that he have ABANDONED us. Why would we ever believe that God would not be our ever-present help in trouble? We aren't doing this on purpose - these thoughts of 'abandonment' creep in and before long we actually believe we are walking through life alone. If we stand in 'self-confidence', we can easily feel abandoned because self-confidence will wane at the first struggle that goes beyond our 'ability' to overcome it! God never abandons those he loves. Does he love you? You bet your boots he does! There is nothing within you that would ever cause him to abandon you, so get over yourself!

God is always WORKING in us - but we can STALL out at times. We all probably begin stuff and then see it fall by the wayside from time to time, simply because we are 'tired' of it. We STALL and we begin to wonder why we ever started in the first place. Here is the truth - God is FOR us, he is never FAR from us, and he isn't DONE with us! Therefore, he will not stop WORKING in us, WORKING for us, or WORKING with us. We might fail from time to time - we are human. We need to remember God is FOR us - WORKING in us to move us beyond our failure and into victory. No weapon formed against us can ever prosper when we remember GOD is FOR us! Just sayin!


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