Get 'er done

‘O Lord God! See, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and by Your long arm! Nothing is too hard for You! (Jeremiah 32:17)

We all have things in our lives that we think are a little too hard for us to handle. It may be a task that lies ahead that has frustrated us for a while, but we have put off equally as long because we know once we get into it, we are gonna hate how hard the work will be. It could be the conversation you have been putting off having with that loved one because you know it will be 'hard' and 'hard stuff' kind of makes for a little friction in the relationship, so you avoid it like the plague. If God made the heavens and the earth by his great power (and he did, by the way), then is anything that lies ahead of us 'too hard' if God is with us in the undertaking of that 'hard thing'? 

Our lives are riddled with 'difficult things'. I just spent a couple mornings with my BFF building some raised garden boxes. We are entering in to retirement age and would like to conserve our finances as much as possible. The garden boxes will allow us to grow some of our own veggies and herbs, saving us a little on groceries - or at least that is the plan! It will also give both of us a good way of occupying a little time each day, tending and caring for those things we want to grow. I had to come up with the design, figure out the measurements, and then figure out how much lumber we'd need for the boxes, what I had on hand in the way of screws and the like, and then get the supplies here to to the house. 

The weather in Arizona right now is about 115 degrees in the hot afternoon, but a 'mild' and balmy 90 degrees to start the day! Needless to say, the task could have been undertaken when the weather was cooler, but guess what - we undertook it now because now was the time! There is something about knowing there is a 'time' for every hard thing we must deal with, isn't there? The moment we 'know' in our hearts it is time to take some specific action is the right time for us to actually take that action, yet how many times do we put off what we 'know' we should be doing? Probably lots more than we'd freely admit. We 'squander time' when we don't want to face the hard stuff.

God isn't a fan of 'squandering time', though. In fact, he made perfect use of the six days he took to create this world we live in and all that inhabits it, the skies above and the seas below. On the seventh he rested, but for the days when he knew he had something very important to do, he went about doing it! Let us learn from the example set before us - there is a time and a season for doing what lies ahead, but to put it off until a later time may mean the season passes us by. The reason my BFF and I got busy with this gardening box task in this hot season is so we will be ready to plant the fall harvest! Nothing is hard when God is by your side, so don't squander the time with excuses of how hard it will be - get 'er done! Just sayin!


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