Snow on the roof
Is there a difference between the God you serve today and the one you served in your youth? Some might be quick to admit they 'feel' as though there is a difference, but he is the same God! It is our relationship with him that has changed - our perspective has changed. We see him differently because of all that we have been through with him over the years, but he remains consistently the same. I think we interpret his love differently, appreciate his presence deeper, and relish his comfort more. Our 'age' has placed us in a different 'frame of mind' as it comes to seeing, appreciating, and enjoying the work of God in our lives.
Even when you are old...
I guess it goes without saying that with each new day dawning on the horizon, we are getting just a little bit older. We aren't guaranteed the 'new dawn', but when it comes, we breathe in a new day and begin to take 'action' with what we have been given in that day. In my youth and exuberance to conquer the world, I remember taking very little time to appreciate the dawn. In my older age, I actually relish the sunrise. I observe the awakening of the world around me as light begins to filter into dark places little by little, life seemingly returning to the world. Appreciate the day you are given, my friends, for you are not sure what tomorrow will bring.
When we are old, he remains the same...
He was there to help us in our youth, he will be there to help us in our old age. He takes care of what he has made along the entire spectrum of that life. It is actually you and I that seem to go 'in and out' of the awareness of his presence with us, his protection over our lives, and his power manifest when we were powerless in circumstances totally outside of our control. He isn't going 'in and out' of our lives. In fact, he is the 'constant' that keeps us centered, makes us whole when life chips away at us, and brings us into perfect peace when all around us is determined to keep us tossing to and fro.
Even when your hair turns white...
He will help us. I imagine we need his help as much in our youth as we do in our old age, but we don't usually learn to appreciate his help as much in our youth. I think we stop to take notice as we age - to consider and ponder just a little more. I think we allow ourselves to let go of some of the stuff that occupied so much space in our minds, leaving us room to consider him just a little bit more. We 'make space' for him because we have learned his ways are much more reliable than our own. We trust his movement in our lives because we have seen where his steps lead.
Some view old age as a thing to be feared - I view it as a time when God gets just a little closer. It isn't that he ever was 'far away', but we now begin to recognize just how close he has been all along. We find greater comfort in knowing he is there - perhaps because our own strength begins to wane a little, making us much more appreciative of how much we need his strength. Snow on the roof doesn't mean we are slowing down in our love for Jesus - it often means we are just learning to be comfortable snuggling into his arms a little bit more. Just sayin!
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