Be a BIG Dreamer

For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for well-being and not for trouble, to give you a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11)

If you were to hear those words spoken over your life today, what would you imagine yourself doing with the help and power of God actually guiding you to accomplish it? I think we 'dream dreams', but we seldom see those dreams come to full fruition. We have 'big plans', but they somehow fizzle out before they ever get finished. The more dream, the harder it seems it is to see those dreams become a reality. I dream of retirement and I am getting closer to that place, but today is not the day to accomplish that dream. Just because we dream something doesn't always make that dream come true - but if God is the author of our dreams, those things are already set in motion within our lives that will help to bring that dream to fruition!

Disney used to say all our dreams could come true if we had the courage to pursue them. I don't think he was terribly wrong, but I do think there are some dreams that require a little more courage than others. The dreams God has for us - the things he has planned for us - these may require a little more courage from us than some of the other 'run-of-the-mill' dreams we could muster up in our imaginations. God's dreams are "BIG" dreams - plans for our well-being and not for trouble. How many of your dreams could you say were going to enhance your well-being? Some of my dreams when I was a kid would not have done much to enhance my life, but I still pursued a few of them. Today, I find myself much more 'selective' about the dreams I pursue - because I have learned God's dreams for my future are much more reliable than my own!

I came across this quote the other day and wanted to share it with you: "The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers. But above all, the world needs dreamers who do." (Sarah Ban Breathnach) Dreamers who do - this conjures up the idea of 'putting feet to our dreams'. In other words, we take action. Too many times we know God has placed within us a 'plan' or a 'purpose' - we can feel it and sense it with each intake of breath - yet we don't act upon those plans or step our into that purpose. Dreamers who do are more than 'fanciful believers' - they are committed to the plan and know each step they take brings them closer and closer to the fulfillment of the dream. 

Dream big - there is nothing wrong with that. Give those dreams to God and ask him to sort them out for you - helping you to see which ones are the ones he knows will enhance our well-being and keep us out of trouble in life. Big dreams in the hands of an even BIGGER God have a way of changing the world! Just sayin!


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