Yes. Yes. Yes.

There are some days when a certain online shopping place gets my money and then there are others when I only browse the sales. I oftentimes find good bargains and cannot resist getting something that will help me around the house, or just to give as a little gift to someone I love. We all have our favorite 'hangouts' for shopping, don't we? Some of us like to browse the mall store fronts, while others of us have adapted quite well to shopping online during this pandemic. One thing always remains the same - it is more blessed to give than to receive. We all like to receive, don't we? How about giving? Are we as excited about giving? God is quite extravagant in what he gives our way - how extravagant are we with giving out of that same generous spirit?

Have you ever come on anything quite like this extravagant generosity of God, this deep, deep wisdom? It's way over our heads. We'll never figure it out. Is there anyone around who can explain God? Anyone smart enough to tell him what to do? Anyone who has done him such a huge favor that God has to ask his advice? Everything comes from him; Everything happens through him; Everything ends up in him. Always glory! Always praise! Yes. Yes. Yes. (Romans 11:33-36 MSG)

Have you ever come on anything quite like this extravagant generosity of God? If we really begin to consider this, we all probably would find we have so much in the way of "riches" right in our own possession and we either don't see them, or we have been taking them for granted all this time. The immediate blessings of God that come to mind might be made clearer in this one blessing: the incredibly unfathomable acceptance of each of us into the family of God. I am not from any line of royalty in a natural sense, but I have been adopted into a family of incredible royalty - my bloodline in Christ is 'royal' and so is yours! Now, there's a blessing to consider!

What about the blessings of our ability to do simple tasks which we take for granted so very often - almost daily glossing over even the simplest of tasks because we don't see them for the blessing they really are? Things like brushing our own teeth, combing our hair in some style we like, and buttoning our own clothing. As a nurse, I have seen thousands over the years lose these abilities - through the effects of crippling arthritis, spinal cord injuries, or neurological assaults on the brain. We just don't know what a blessing it is to be able to complete these simple tasks until we find ourselves unable to do them any longer!

Scripture tells us we'll never figure out God. Well, I am no rocket scientist, but I'd agree with that truth whole-heartedly on this point! Try as I might, God's wisdom, grace, and unconditional love are totally unfathomable to me! Everything comes from him - deserved or not. Everything happens through him - even when we don't see his control. Everything ends in him - because it all began in him. Everything!
All we "possess". All those things that seemingly just "happens" in our day. All are a result of him being the Lord of our lives. Nothing is by our own creation. Nothing is by our own efforts - he gives us the breath and strength to undertake the task at hand.

When we stop to consider God, we think of one word: Everything. When we stop to consider what we are without God, we think of one word: Nothing. So, if I want "everything" - I am really saying I want more of God! Now, it may not be unlimited spending at my favorite online shopping hangout, but it is much more fulfilling than a new pair of jeans or a sparkling new smartwatch! Before we start wishing for more of what we "think" we need, maybe we should start asking for more of what we "really" need! God is never more honored than when we bring our need to him. It is in the acknowledging of our dependence upon him that he is brought honor.

Apart from God, we really possess nothing of significant value. In God, we are blessed with and through everything! It is not just what we possess, but what possesses us - this is what God wants us to understand. God's greatest glory is not found in us figuring him out - - it is in us honoring him with our obedience and love even when we find it impossible to figure him out! Our "unlimited spending" is really most rewarding when it is accomplished in the courts of our loving God. Just sayin!


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