Trust doesn't always come easily
But in our time something new has been added. What Moses and the prophets witnessed to all those years has happened. The God-setting-things-right that we read about has become Jesus-setting-things-right for us. And not only for us, but for everyone who believes in him. For there is no difference between us and them in this. Since we’ve compiled this long and sorry record as sinners (both us and them) and proved that we are utterly incapable of living the glorious lives God wills for us, God did it for us. Out of sheer generosity he put us in right standing with himself. A pure gift. He got us out of the mess we’re in and restored us to where he always wanted us to be. And he did it by means of Jesus Christ. (Romans 3:23-24)
I like to revisit familiar passages from time to time because God is always so faithful to bring something to mind within these familiar words. I don't know about you but it seems like people are always looking for the next 'new thing' in this world. Apple puts out the latest version of their device and people line up, sometimes even camping out for days just to get the first of the shiny device. Why? There is an enticement to have the 'new' and 'shiny' because media has hyped it for months prior to the arrival of the device. Our appetites have been whetted and there you are 'lusting' after the new. I guess God didn't great this desire to obtain 'more' as a 'bad' thing, but as a way of driving us to 'want more' of the right stuff. The problem is that we sometimes don't want what he wants us to have - we want what we want to have.
I like to revisit familiar passages from time to time because God is always so faithful to bring something to mind within these familiar words. I don't know about you but it seems like people are always looking for the next 'new thing' in this world. Apple puts out the latest version of their device and people line up, sometimes even camping out for days just to get the first of the shiny device. Why? There is an enticement to have the 'new' and 'shiny' because media has hyped it for months prior to the arrival of the device. Our appetites have been whetted and there you are 'lusting' after the new. I guess God didn't great this desire to obtain 'more' as a 'bad' thing, but as a way of driving us to 'want more' of the right stuff. The problem is that we sometimes don't want what he wants us to have - we want what we want to have.
If someone came along and told you there would be something new added to your life today, what would be your first inclination? Would you have that sudden burst of excitement? Would you fear not knowing exactly what it would be or how it would affect your life? If God spoke a few words into your heart today, telling you there would be something new added, would your level of excitement and anticipation change? I honestly have to admit to being occasionally just a little bit 'afraid' what he might add would drastically change my life. Why did this create angst in my life? I didn't want something to disturb my comfort - I had become very comfortable with what I know right now - I wasn't sure I wanted anything new to disturb that comfort. God knew there might be temporary 'discomfort' from the 'new' he was about to add into my life, but he also knew the 'permanent' blessing that would come with the 'new'.
We only see the discomfort - he sees where that discomfort will lead us. He knows how much deeper it will make us dig in, what will change within our hearts, and how much more secure our foundation will be as a result. God knows 'where' we are headed - we only know we are about to get moving. God knows 'what' will come - we only know what will be left behind. God knows 'when' we are going to be challenged - we just know a challenge might require something from us. God knows 'why' we need to get movement in a certain direction - we only know that movement may cause us some discomfort. I guess one of the hardest things we are called upon to do sometimes is just trust God with the where, when, why, and what. The 'new' is indeed something we want and need - we just don't 'know' like he knows, so we dread it.
God doesn't set out to create chaos, but sometimes our present has to be disturbed a little in order to bring order in an even greater way than it existed before. God has gone before us, so nothing can stand against his power in our lives. The moment we realize he is 'setting things right', the less we stop worrying so much about how he will do what needs to be done in us. Just sayin!
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