Borders hold us back

Van Gogh asked the question - "What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?" This is a good question to ponder today because so many times we 'think' about things we'd like to do, but then we discount the 'possibility' of us actually accomplishing it. Why? We might think we don't have the moxie to actually do whatever it is we are considering, or we don't have the time, funds, or talent. Either way, we limit ourselves to never take the next step - all because we lack some element of courage. 

“Be strong. Take courage. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t give them a second thought because God, your God, is striding ahead of you. He’s right there with you. He won’t let you down; he won’t leave you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6)

These are God's words - not mine. Be strong. Take courage. Don't be intimidated. Stop giving the things that seem to stand in your way a second chance. Why? God, YOUR God, has already gone before you to make a way and he will walk with you as you take those steps forward that you have always dreamed about. What does it mean to be intimidated? The most basic definition is to be filled with fear. What does fear do to us? It paralyzes us - it locks us in place so we are doing nothing more than marching in place!

Intimidation is a tactic our enemy uses to 'lock us in place' - to deter us from taking any action - or perhaps to make us feel forced into taking some other action in place of the one we know God is telling us to take. We 'cow' to what seems like insurmountable odds. God isn't put off by the enemy's bullying stance - in fact, he 'strides ahead of us' so as to make a way past all that bullying the enemy is using to intimidate us and hold us in a position of inaction.

I don't know what 'next step' you have been 'fearful' of taking - feeling a little intimidated by others or the 'insurmountable odds' that seemingly stand in the way of your success. God does and he isn't put off by the things we see as 'insurmountable'. He turns hopelessness into hopefulness. He makes what seems impassable into a wide open door. He looks beyond what we see as way too overwhelming and infuses us with a sense of faith and trust. Why? He loves us and wants only the best for us.

We say 'forget it', but he says 'trust me'. I know I put 'borders' to my trust on occasion - kind of hemming myself in by those artificial borders I have committed myself to live within. There are times God wants me to knock through those borders of 'mistrust' and let him show me just how much more he has made a way for me to experience in him if I will just trust him. How about you? Is God asking you to let down some of those 'borders' you have placed to keep you 'secure'? Maybe it is time we trust him with our 'lack of courage' and embrace his 'courage' to take the next steps. Just sayin!


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