Are you evangelical?

The wise counsel God gives when I’m awake is confirmed by my sleeping heart. Day and night I’ll stick with God; I’ve got a good thing going and I’m not letting go. (Psalm 16:8)

I have been asked why I am not a bit more 'evangelical'. What is really being asked is why am I not a bit more ardent in my message, or zealous in the presentation of the gospel truth? Why is it I am not 'shouting from the rooftops' the hope that dwells deep within my heart? Why am I not 'out there' more? Truth be told, it isn't about the 'forwardness' or 'religiousness' one exhibits, but the ability for others to see Christ in your life and want what you have. I haven't had too many positive responses to 'hell fire and damnation' sermons - but I have seen others develop an honest hunger for Christ because the 'thing' I have made them more than a little curious how they could have the same thing!

I am probably going to step on a few toes today, so hold on. We don't need to shout the gospel message from the rooftops, nor do we need to have our TV tuned to TBN 24-hours a day. God isn't impressed with our 'religiousness' - he is captivated by a heart intent on loving others as he has loved us. We don't have to 'cram' Jesus down the throats of everyone we meet - we show them Jesus in our actions and trust God to develop that desire to know him as a result of what they observe. Jesus didn't preach - the taught. He didn't just lay out scripture - he lived out scripture. When others see the gospel lived out, they are drawn to the love, hope, and peace they see and feel - they 'know a good thing when they see it'.

I listen to Christian music most of the time, so there is nothing wrong with tuning into those things that uplift your spirit. I know there are great gospel teachers on the TV each week and I even attend church online. I don't make a steady diet of every message they teach on those TV programs, though. There is just something about getting into the Word myself and discovering what God will speak to me in those quiet times that does a bit more for my soul and spirit than I might get from listening to non-stop gospel teachers on the tube. God's hope isn't for us to become 'religious' by all the things we watch, listen to, or observe. His hope is that we will develop a genuine hunger for more of his grace and love. 

His hope - that we will 'stick with it' when the tough times come - that we won't allow our hearts to be captivated by another. His way of doing things has always been to give us examples to follow - not just words that convict us of our sin. Yes, he wants our sin dealt with and for us to realize when our choices aren't the wisest. His hope is that we will know him and then desire more of him because we have come to know him. We come to know others because there is a connection - we spend time together. Jesus was all about spending time with people. He didn't just preach the message and drop the mic. He held hands, touched wounds, and embraced the curious. 

I want others to know Christ because they see I have a 'good thing' that they desire. I don't work to convince them they need Jesus in their lives - that is his work, not mine. I just share the hope I have by living out that hope day after day. I guess I may not be very 'evangelical' to some, but trust me on this - I know him deeply and I want you to know him as deeply as I do. I have a good thing going and I am not letting go! How about you? Can you say the same? Do others see that similar hope in you? If so, you are being more than just a bit 'evangelical' my friends! Just sayin!


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