Filling those margins?

Every word you give me is a miracle word— how could I help but obey? Break open your words, let the light shine out, let ordinary people see the meaning. Mouth open and panting, I wanted your commands more than anything. Turn my way, look kindly on me, as you always do to those who personally love you. Steady my steps with your Word of promise so nothing malign gets the better of me. Rescue me from the grip of bad men and women so I can live life your way. Smile on me, your servant; teach me the right way to live. I cry rivers of tears because nobody’s living by your book! (Psalm 119:130)

Every word - not just some of the words - are miracle words God speaks into our lives, but we have to be open to receive them! Receiving means way more than just hearing them - it includes acting upon what we hear. God relishes the moments we actually take to consider his Word - especially when we actually ask him to 'break it open' to us like he has never done before. God isn't ever going to decline to answer that type of request, my friends! He looks forward to those moments and he won't disappoint.

When God 'breaks open his Word' to us, it is like the rising of the sun in the eastern skies. Little by little the light begins to dispel darkness, until the light is so fully engulfing every aspect of our lives that there is no longer any place for darkness to dwell. It used to be believed that only 'specially called' individuals could actually study and get to know God's Word. In Old Testament times it would have been the High Priest, the priests, and the rabbis. They were the 'teachers' of the Word. Today God's Word is open to everyone - we only need to ask!

Gotta ask the question - do we actually want God's commands to guide and direct our actions more than any other thing in our lives? More than what others think about us? More than what we might be able to figure out in our own reasoning? That is a truly hard question to answer because we are all probably going to find our motives are a bit 'mixed' on this subject. We 'say' we want his commands to be the guiding force within our lives, but our 'actions' tell a different story from time to time. Don't worry - you aren't alone in that boat - I am right there beside you!

The most amazing thing happens when we finally take time to settle into God's Word - we actually 'feel' God's presence with us. We feel his steadying effect deep within us - even when all the world around us is in chaos and turmoil, God is bringing such tremendous stability to us. "Living by the book" seems like it is pretty hard at times because there are so many other 'marginally correct' choices we can make, aren't there? God isn't looking for us to just live 'marginally correct' lives, though. He is looking for us to live totally surrendered lives. We don't get to fill the margins with our own story! Just sayin!


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