Gonna meddle a bit...

 If you haven't figured this out yourself by now, we live in a world where people just don't seem to fight fair. There are events that happen that reveal just how some will pick apart others, while some stand idly by allowing it all to occur. Truth be told, it is a dog-eat-dog world out there! Dogs eating dogs is not a very pleasant thought to me - but it definitely paints a graphic picture, does it not? The world just doesn't fight fair. But...as a believer in Christ, we have a different way of fighting our battles!

The world is unprincipled. It’s dog-eat-dog out there! The world doesn’t fight fair. But we don’t live or fight our battles that way—never have and never will. The tools of our trade aren’t for marketing or manipulation, but they are for demolishing that entire massively corrupt culture. We use our powerful God-tools for smashing warped philosophies, tearing down barriers erected against the truth of God, fitting every loose thought and emotion and impulse into the structure of life shaped by Christ. Our tools are ready at hand for clearing the ground of every obstruction and building lives of obedience into maturity.  (2 Corinthians 10:3-6)  

Dogs get hungry and nothing will stand in the way of their hunger. They go on the prowl - looking for the thing they think will be the substance they desire to fill the hollow of their bellies. They don't hunt alone - they have a way of hunting in packs. The nature of their "hunting instinct" is to gather those around who also have the same hunger - because there is strength in numbers. They circle their prey - almost leaving their prey defenseless against either their driving hunger or their vast numbers! Maybe this is an apt illustration of our sinful flesh - it gets hungry for the things which we "feel" will satisfy the "hollow" of our souls. When we are listening to the hunger of our sinfulness, we gather those around who only serve to remind us of our hunger. There is something "undeterred" in our passion that is only fueled when we only choose to associate with those who have a similar hunger as our own! If a hungry dog hangs out long enough with others who have "fullness" already, he has less chance of going on the prowl! We don't live or fight our battles by the "rules of the dogs"! We have a different way of fighting our battles. Ever seen someone marketing or manipulating their prey? Why use these two terms? Maybe it is related to the definition of "dog-eat-dog". There is a deep-seated sense of competition. Isn't the purpose of marketing to get the biggest "share" of something? The one competing wants to win. When our flesh competes with our spirit, it is a battle to the finish! One needs to win - neither is fulfilled until the other loses! The other thing to keep in mind is there is a ruthlessness (and sometimes destructiveness) to the competition. The "marketing and manipulating" tactics of our flesh often "out-voice" our spirit, don't they? They pull, divide our attention, and distract us from our original intent. Just like a dog minding his own business gets caught up in the hunt of fellow "hungry dogs", we follow "instinct" (feeling) rather than "sensibility" (spirit). The issue is really one of a lack of self-restraint. We often fail to deny flesh when we lack self-restraint.

We fight our battles (and win) a different way. We have at our ready access "God-tools" to deal with our hunger - we just don't use them as we should. They are for "smashing warped philosophies". Got any of those hanging around in your brain? Simply put, a philosophy is a system of beliefs, values, or concepts we have adopted. God calls them "warped beliefs, values, or concepts" we have adopted and are living by. Our God-tools are for "smashing" these warped philosophies. God's intention is for us to completely demolish, by the use of his power, those things which are "distorted" truth in our lives. In other words, we come to believe some things which are just not totally true - the stories we tell ourselves, the stories others tell us, or the misconceptions we form because we don't get into the Word of God to see what it says itself! First "Got-tool" we use:  WISDOM. We learn to apply the Word to our lives by living it out - wisdom is simply applied knowledge - putting into practice what we see modeled in scripture. God-tools are also good for tearing down barriers erected against truth in our lives. Not every dog's belly will be filled as a result of the "hunt". In fact, the more dominant dogs will get their share first - then if there are left-overs, the weaker dogs get the rest, but may not even come close to filling the "hollow" of their hunger! If you told those dogs they'd not be fulfilled at the end of their hunt, would it change their hunt? Not likely! They are so caught up in the hunt, they "erect walls" to the truth! We have a whole lot of barriers we have erected to the truth in our lives. God-tools like the Word of God, the Holy Spirit indwelling us, the testimony of others who have walked before us, are just some of the God-tools we can use to begin to tear down walls we have erected against truth. We do the erecting, not God. His tools are for tearing down the walls we have erected!

The God-tools we have been given are for fitting every loose thought and emotion and impulse into the structure of a life shaped by Christ. Somethings just need to be "firmed up" in our lives - so we have stability and strong structure. Other things need to be torn down completely. Either way, the tools God provides are there to accomplish the task. We see evidence of where the weakness comes in the structure. It is in our loose thoughts, emotions, and impulses! A dog joins a pack of other dogs just "cuz" it has nothing better to do! It is living loose! There is much to be said about getting a "tight rein" on our thoughts, emotions and impulses! I will just leave that one to God! Just sayin!


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